Establishing a guild...

The Willful Wanderer
Posts: 2221
Joined: Fri Mar 05, 2004 2:00 am
Location: Aisle 12, between the kumquats and the radicchio.

Establishing a guild...


Post by The Willful Wanderer » Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:01 pm

I am now instating They Who Wander, a 'clan' that I intend to simply be a loose affiliation of those who wish to have others to call on in the RPG, but do not want to commit to extreme support. Please do think of this as an attempt to form a network of friends, so to speak, who may practice battle with each other and, if wanted, choose to come to one another's aid when hard times strike and Munny is short. Also, a coalition of people who can and will pop up anytime, anyplace on the boards or in the RPG with something to say, or a thought that may well be valid despite a lack of public history of involvement.

If you wish to join, and have not been invited, please petition here, and I will review what I can find out about you. Recommendations to accept or reject applicants will only be accepted in the form of PMs. Please, no public decry or endorsement in these cases.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Please return to your regularly scheduled running around hither thither and yon.
\"What if nothing means anything? What if nothing really matters?.....
...Or suppose <b><i>EVERYTHING</b></i> matters. Which would be worse?\"

\"Joke \'em if they can\'t take a f$%k.\"
