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Have you seen...


Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:13 am


a bison?
prairie dogs?
snapping turtle?
She lives in the clouds and talks to the birds...

Happiest faerie of VGF.

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Re: Have you seen...


Post by Booyakasha » Fri Dec 09, 2022 8:52 am

Bison? Yup. Roosevelt Park Zoo in Minot has a couple. I tell you, if all you've ever seen in person is a regular old moo-cow, a bison's sheer size might surprise you. They are bi-ig.

Moose? Also yes. Right off the road as we were driving around in Canada on vacation (I was maybe eight). Again---------huge size difference between those kaijus and the dainty little white-tails we have here in Wisconsin.

Skunks? Big yes. Used to see them on occasion up at camp. They saw enough of people that, fearless as they are anyway, they were almost apathetic around us. One time, a crowd of us staffers were just walking down one of the trails when a mother with a train of five or six kits stepped out of the brush onto the trail right in front of us, and, rather than skitter across and vanish, they just followed along the trail with us walking barely a yard behind for well over a quarter-mile. They weren't showing any signs of fear or aggression (no stamping of feet, no hissing, no raised hackles or tails), just kind of in 'live and let live' mode, so we weren't worried about getting spritzed. It was cool to get so close--------the kits were chittering, it was button-cute.

Snapping turtle? Well, I know the lake at camp had some (there were a few shells and bones at the nature lodge), but I never saw one in person. They have (or had) one at the Milwaukee County Zoo.
boo--------------a real american weirdo

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