Other Thing of the Month #110: Vincent Kick

Moderator: CaptHayfever

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Other Thing of the Month #110: Vincent Kick


Post by CaptHayfever » Wed Jan 27, 2021 1:38 am

CUSTOM MOVES (revised)

Featured in: Ultimate
Function: Choose Mii specials

--Only the Miis have customizable specials this time around. Nobody else, not even Palutena.
--Brawler's Ultimate Uppercut has been replaced with Flashing Mach Punch, Headache Maker has been replaced with Suplex, Piston Punch has been replaced with Thrust Uppercut, and Foot Flurry has been replaced with Counter Throw.
--Swordy's Slash Launcher has been replaced with Gale Stab.
--Gunner's Cannon Uppercut has been replaced with Cannon Jump Kick.

So yeah, almost out of Other Things again, & once again I am open to ideas.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

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