The Neglected Camping trip (Party)

All about the Neglected Characters in the Mario/Video Game World.
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Post by imported_jigglypuffer » Mon Sep 08, 2003 6:40 am

jpfr: *wakes up* mewtwoer has always been the black sheep, I hope he will stop those things. If he doesn´t, I must send ho-oher to defeat him.
Reached 1000 posts on February 02, 2004.

Ed the Spamyard
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Post by Ed the Spamyard » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:38 am

Ed: LANCE BASS HAS A SOLO? AGGGHHHH!!!! *runs with his hands over his ears screaming the lyrics to barneys theme*

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Post by Lemonjello » Sat Sep 13, 2003 2:34 am

"Oh, what the HACK I can kill A18 and burn the forest to ash at the same time. All of you have one post to leave."
You are an AYSUEJ.

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Post by GORE-ILLA » Sat Sep 13, 2003 9:16 am

Snapple Real Fact # 301:
William Shakespeare was born and died on the same day: April 23.

Red mage
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Post by Red mage » Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:15 am

LJ, I used to think you were super cool, but ever since you rejoined, all I've been hearing out of you is "J00 sukc becas i sa so!!!!!!!!1111111!" So, as of now, shut up, and if you ruin this party topic, you may lock this topic Jay, as this topic shows that Party topics are simply not working out for this forum.

There, I am done now. You may now lock this if it starts going down in flames like 150% of our party topics usually do.

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Post by DrakMaerio » Sun Sep 14, 2003 3:37 am

LJ is cool.
Shane is Jewish.

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Post by Kramerica » Sun Sep 14, 2003 11:38 am

Don't worry, I think all his posts have been Duh-Leet-Ed

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Post by gamechamp3000 » Sun Sep 14, 2003 10:27 pm

A while ago on the camping trip... Gamechamp had almost drowned, but found an underwater cave which led back to outside in the forest. He saw a figure, and then saw many figures. He then said that he had a plan...

Plan #1: Gnome Attack!

These creatures... they were gnomes!

Gnome: Hello. We are the gnomes of the forest. We have heard you talking to yourself of how you wish to get a lot of money by destroying/taking over stuff during your stay here. We think we can help, for we are the mystic gnomes of the forest! I have a large army of other gnomes, and we can raid the camp and take it over for you! It's perfect!

Gamechamp: Hey! I was supposed to tell YOU that I ame up with that idea of the army!

Gnome: Whatever. We shall strike soon.

Hours later...

Gnome: The army is ready, Mr. Champ.

Gamechamp: Good... and don't call me that, I'm Gamechamp!

The army then marches. It heads in the direction of the camp. But then, Lemonjello comes.

LJ: LOL!!!!1!111121!!1 I'/\/\ @ nomb! Isuk!!!11!!!!112! LOL!!!11!!1!!!!1!! I kll meslf!!!11!!!!!!

The gnomes suddenly obey him, and rush into the ocean, where they swim off into the distance...

Gamechamp: No! My gnome army! Not to mention, I actually made LJ look good by having him getting rid of the clones!

LJ: Yep... you really suck...

LJ blasts him with a bazooka, and he lands in the camp.

Ed: Oh, there you are, Gamechamp. I need to tell you to use your bug spray. :snicker:
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Post by imported_jigglypuffer » Mon Sep 15, 2003 2:43 am

jigglypuffer has lots of mosqitoes swarming around him.

jpfr: You have no power against me, I already told you that.

They start covering his eyes.

jpfr: Ahh, no! I can´t see! Get off me!

jigglypuffer goes around, trips on a bush and falls into a cavern.

Chunky: Hey! jigglypuffer found a hidden cavern.

Lots of people jump down into it.
Reached 1000 posts on February 02, 2004.
