A Massive being, just over 9 feet tall approaches the wooden structure. His mangy brown hair so thick around his arms legs and non facial regions it could almost be called fur. He wears a Green leather tunic, and a pair of tanned leather breaches that contain the Dark Brown forest of hair, and give him an almost human appearance. Ears hidden by hair, two eyes, both brown, a nose and mouth, teeth hidden behind the lips. Two large Muscular arms as thick as tree trunks and two sturdy legs even thicker.repster wrote:
Knight leaned upon a pillar. He was set to guard this place from any and all. He had been called a living suit of armor, and it was not far from the truth. Layer upon layer of armoring, four times that of most. Spear in hand, he waited. The massive chamber stood empty, carved wood and stone across every surface. Stone walls, domed ceiling, wooden flooring, wooden supports, wooden decorations. Strange to think of it, this did not look to be much of a place to guard. He was not one to question his orders. He waited, his armor gleaming in the low light.
Gunther was big and dangerous, even for a member of his race. He'd heard something valuable was being guarded in a strange wooden structure, and that the guardian was a mighty foe, a behemoth of steel. Walking into a massive chamber, Gunther cracks his knuckles, the jarring sound echoing around the pillars. His booming voice chuckles, "Knock Knock, anybody home."