What worlds do you want in Kingdom Hearts 2?

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Post by Zavval » Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:51 am

Oliver and Company and Snow White. Dodger rocks and imagine dwarven Donald, Goofy and Sora. That'd be great.

imported_Stanley the Bugman
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Post by imported_Stanley the Bugman » Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:14 pm


Dee Emm
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Post by Dee Emm » Thu Mar 11, 2004 6:36 pm

Originally posted by Video Game Worshipper/Admin Wannabe:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by R.U.S.H:
TK is right. The world showcase would be an awesome battlefield for a bossfight against, say...Lavos?

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Macintosh. Because two buttons are entirely too complicated.
You're partially right but I would like to see Guardia as a world with Lavos's shell being the keyhole and Queen Zeal as the villain in the world and you have to beat both Lavos and Queen Zeal and then go inside Lavos and go inside Lavos to beat the being inside ala the original Crono Trigger and seal the keyhole.
</font>[/QUOTE]Both Zeal and Magus would make awesome bosses. 600 AD in Chrono Trigger would be ideal because you could have Magus' castle (Almost like a second Hollow Bastion, if you think about it) and Magus would actually be the type to try to control the heartless. Zombor, Flea, and Slash would be awesome to fight too.
