Did I get a good deal? (FF6 spoilers)

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imported_Kaeru 7
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Post by imported_Kaeru 7 » Sat Aug 30, 2003 12:42 am

Ass, I paid $45. But congrats! 'Tis a kickass game...

Blizzard1540: YES
Blizzard1540: YES
Blizzard1540: YES
Blizzard1540: 0 MIN BIZZATCHES
Blizzard1540: ...41 seconds?!?!?!
Blizzard1540: BOO


That was classic, man...
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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:52 am

Awesome... congrats *drools* :D
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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Sat Aug 30, 2003 9:03 am

I don't like FF3 that much because of the end. I'll let you decide.

40-50 hours? Uh, no. My last file was 25, so say 20-30. And no New Game +.

Someone said the massive number of characters, and 4 fight at once.

Moderate on average.

They're good, but not as good as CC. They're a mix of FF2 and FF5. You've never seen an FF3 screenshot before?

Did you get just the game or the whole package? I'll bid on it myself one day when I have the extra cash. But I'm a perfectionist, so I NEED IT ALL!! MWAHAHAH!

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Post by AJ Middleton » Sat Aug 30, 2003 6:02 pm

Which is why I said 25-30. But also, with FF3, I tend to take longer on my second and third files, being that I will go out of the way more to get secrets.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:33 pm

Sweat well done my friend however my uncel(from whom i got my copy0 got his cart from a pawn shop for $15. It's a great game plenty of secrets and one of the better magic and skill systems around. Also the frist game that let acsesries have a perpus. Sprits shoes double walking speed Ribon blocks all negitive status affects.

Lot's of replay value and the better portion of the chariters are well developed. Also while the expresion were over done they give the game a bit of charm.
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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:58 pm

Originally posted by Jhonka:
And...How many more does Chrono Cross have? 6? 7?
lol. Well, FF3 DOES have a whole lot of characters. But CC, on the other hand, is almost ridiculous.

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Post by AJ Middleton » Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:16 pm

^Yes, almost. It WOULD be ridiculous if it wasn't absurd.
Originally posted by Tubmeister:
I was told the time needed for leveling up party characters was a lot greater compared to most other RPGs. That could be annoying.
Who'd you hear that from? It's not hard at all.

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Post by Wyborn » Sun Aug 31, 2003 7:14 pm

The graphics are worse than Chrono Trigger, yes, but the enemy designs in CT are comparatively pixellated and absurd-looking.

And this is the greatest RPG you will ever play. I guarantee.

Bolt, the FF6 clocks (SNES and PSX versions) are slow. To find out your actual time, multiply the game's clock log by two.

[ August 31, 2003, 06:15 PM: Message edited by: Wyborn ]
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