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give me food
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Post by give me food » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:27 pm

"Why's everyone hate Aerith? First everyone's sticking up to her and now they're sticking up to big-rack? If I ever see the day Scarlet gets appreciation, asses will bleed."

No one "sticks up" to Aeris. Aeris = teh suxx0r. DIE AERIS DIE.
<i>relax, we understand j00</i>

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:31 pm

Aeris is great. And I know she dies for a reason.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:36 pm

Hold the phone. you're saying that FFV was a good game? BAWHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Yeah that's true and I'm not a moron! And MQ please gag me with a fork!Those two are the single worest games I've ever play next to A boy and his Blob.
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:41 pm

1. It's called an opinion. Understand what it means.

2. My pool of Square game is low. Notice how V and MQ are near the bottom.

3. That's plot, not game.

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Thu Jun 19, 2003 6:11 pm

First off, I'm not mad or fighting. Me and Jay bicker like this all of the time. Secondly, it's called OPINION. I can say whatever I want about CC because that what I think. I can also defend it whenever I want. If someone gets all upset about it, they're taking things too far.

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Post by PK FIRE! » Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:49 pm

I don't like FFV beacus the story was weak the chariter, I well just couldn't conect with them(a must for me in any game I play)(Spioler) Also I don't like how you can't stop the cryitles from shattering(Spioler) And gilgamish made me want to split my haed with his imcompitence. I admit it has it's good point but to me they just didn't completly pacht up the holes it's faults made in the fabric.

As for MQ I didn't like the chariter or how you're basicly on your own. The music was kinda bland as was the plot. and I much as i love FFIII/VI codieKitty riases some really good points about it. One in particler I'm trying to figur out is how a newborn infent survived on the veld for 13 years.
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Fri Jun 20, 2003 12:18 pm

Originally posted by filius nullius:
^ I think it's safe to say that nobody like MQ.
I like MQ.

Blaine, the shattering crystals is part of the story..

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Post by PK FIRE! » Fri Jun 20, 2003 12:57 pm

true to me it's like walking on a tredmill you try and try but you just don't go anywere. It gives the game a sence of futility. anyway a list.

My fave square chariters.
10 Boco(FFT not FFV)
9 Ramza
8 Ceicil
7 Kain
6 Gua
5 Edger
4 Sabin
3 Tina(japenies name for Terra)
2 Genirel Leo
1 Cyan
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself
