Chrono Break

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Dee Emm
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Post by Dee Emm » Wed Jan 22, 2003 11:22 pm

-It's going to star some guy named Dewwy who's mute.
-You have to kill Lavos again at some point in the game.
-It features an entirely new and even suckier magic system.
-It takes place on an even smaller part of the Chrono Trigger world, with all of the events talking place in a one square mile forest behind Crono's house.
-Masa, Mune and their sister Doreen morph with their cousins Ultimate, Super, Duper, Power, Mura and Same to form the "UltimaMasterMasaMuneSupaDupaPowaMuraSame" Butter Knife.
-All of the characters in the previous games are either dead or not shown in the game.
-The goal of the game is to find the "Chrono Break", which will explain all of the plot holes, plot confusions, plot annoyances, and plot controdictions in Chrono Cross.
-Oh yeah, and Leo is in the game. He's in Booyaville.

Does that help?-jay
LMAO!!! The butter knife is what got me the most.

Damn, can't Shane add a laughing graemlin to the 11? It'd make life easier. (Okay, not really, but that's five less minutes I'd spend wasting time)

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Sat Jan 25, 2003 12:35 am

I don't think it will be a game.

Bah Jay. CC's plot is almost flawless.

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Sim Kid
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Post by Sim Kid » Sat Jan 25, 2003 2:31 am

Originally posted by Perrin Aybara:
I heard some rumor that Chrono Break takes place in between Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross and explains all the weirded plotlines, so If that's true, then Maybe, just maybe, Lucca will be in it. But then again, knowing square, it'll have no reference of a character from the previous Chrono games, like in the FF games. *Prays for Lucca and Magus*

[ January 25, 2003, 12:31 AM: Message edited by: Zak, the KH Saving Fiend ]
