Gamecube version of Sonic Heroes - Only one destined to do well?

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Joined: Wed May 31, 2000 1:00 am
Location: Philadelphia, Pa.


Post by SEGA-GIRL » Thu Jul 10, 2003 9:51 pm

I'm just getting the GameCube version cause I don't have a X-Box, and my brother owns a PS2, but he won't let me play with it whenever I want, and I don't wanna keep hearing him saying how much Sonic sucks just because it don't have blood and killing in it. >_<

Posts: 1293
Joined: Wed May 31, 2000 1:00 am
Location: Philadelphia, Pa.


Post by SEGA-GIRL » Fri Jul 11, 2003 6:01 pm

^Sega and Sonic Team needs the money, I guess...

And I think it's good that Sega/Sonic Team putting Sonic Heroes for PS2 and X-Box too cause there are Sonic fans out there who don't own a GC and they want to play the new Sonic games as well.

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Post by Pikahobbes » Mon Jul 21, 2003 10:53 pm

I believe the X-Box version will sell well since many Sega fanboys jumped the ship to XBox because of all the exclusives. The PS2 version will sell decently because there a lot of little kids who will want the game.
Vist the <a href=\" ... =forum;f=7\" target=\"_blank\"> Sega Forum </a>...oh wait, you can\'t.
