The Creator... Captured?

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Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2000 1:00 am
Location: On the run.


Post by PK FIRE! » Sun Mar 16, 2003 6:03 pm

oOOC I haven't revealed the ship yet so that rusted one isn't mine and anyway Techno's the egner.

"Look i have no idea to whom that rusted ship belongs but there is no way in blue hell it's mine. Also don't knock my abits! If I can outift an entire Omega class spacestation with the lastes in technody in a week I can surly fix that rust bucket in a few hours! now where did I put that godamn arship bucbe?' Techno remtorted his argogence and ego double teaming his normaly quite and sadistic persona. affter rumiing in his umptean million pocets for a while he produced a blue cube about the size of a dice cube. Tapping a butten on the side and throwing it revealed an eliquent airship camprible to the falcon and Blue whale airships from the Final zfantisy games in siize and abilities.

"Now give me a few hours and I can get this baby up to speed while you all devise a plan.' Techno replid regaining his cool. Affter he fineshed speaking he dissapreared into the ship and began to work on it fevishly.

"I must apoligies on the good Dr.'s behalf that guy's been through hell and back multipel times and i can't count the number of times i've stopped his suiside attemps he's really a resnbel guy just very destrubed nd quite harsh upon himself and he takes alot of oence when his work is criized. i don't blame him for it I've seen him build the most increbile things with little time and with less then usefull matrils.' Blaine responed.

"I agree. I don't know how he did it but one time I saw that bugger build a time machin from a dead batter copper wire and a wrist watch." Angel piped up.

"I agree we should devise a plan and get to work we have little time to waste." Change said more to himself then o anyone around him.
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself

Rydia Dragmire
Posts: 1403
Joined: Fri May 19, 2000 1:00 am
Location: Setzer\'s Airship, sipping pina coladas and gettin


Post by Rydia Dragmire » Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:01 pm

OOC: Okedoke!

In a swirl of blinding green light there appeared a figure; it was none other than Rydia Dragmire and her crew, the wackiest and most lovable misfits ever! (As rated by their creator. [img]tongue.gif[/img] )
"Sorry I'm late, gents," Rydia said sharply, fixing her hair. "Fill me in on what's going on."
Darryl and Eric stood back to back, their respective weapons in hand, staring at Luthe. "Yes?" the tall warrior inquired as he met their gaze. "Can I help you?"
"You can; I'll tell you how later," Darryl replied, and Eric nodded sternly.
Luthe, in turn, blinked and shrugged. "As you see fit."

Posts: 9478
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2000 1:00 am
Location: On the run.


Post by PK FIRE! » Wed Apr 02, 2003 9:55 pm

"Well Yeah I could fix it give me a few minutes say about ten or fiviteen and I'll get on it. right now I've got to fix a few things ere and there and this baby will flie. oh by the way you want it after this mess is over? I built it to keep my ocupide well this it the frist time i've had a chance to use it. I can't stand having nothing to do so I invent and build things i never use that's why I try to pawn them off all the time." Tencho replide with a bit of intrquge.

"I also may be able to tweak the thing's weapons system and what not." Techno continued before once more diving into the engin of the air/spaceship.
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself

Posts: 9478
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2000 1:00 am
Location: On the run.


Post by PK FIRE! » Fri Apr 04, 2003 1:52 am

"Hmm intresting. well yousee I used my own enrgy to power the dead batter and then the watch. you see for as long as time has existed in my home dimention my family has played host to Areo Guardin and master of the wind a dmei god it becuase of this that I can stop time and move backword and forword at times without imploding. but anyway I think it's best to travel in a groupe so why not use this ship? it just neded some basic servis to be working fine few tweaks of the engin here and there muser the fuel ect ect.Well if you'll excues me i have a few thing yet to do." Techno replide with genuin intrest.

"Ohcrap not good not good! How could I have forgotten that no no no!"Techno mutted in pinic as he fineshed tweaking the engin.

"What is it Tech?" Repster inquired woundring why his friend was so upset.

"i forgot the moonlight wrist! I just hope we don't have a full moon. Rep if there is a full moon at any point in this ordeal I need you to keep me in check" Techno muttered with worry as he begane to inspect Rep's robot. moving an eye over to Sile he continued. "I was bitten by a where wolf when i was fiviteen 14 years ago when I was fivteen recently I found a an anchent amulet called the moonlight wrist that let's me controll my wherewolf side durring the full moon." He said as he then opened up a diffrent part of the robot finding where the power suppile was.
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself
