Bad habits of yours?

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Bad habits of yours?


Post by Valigarmander » Sat May 23, 2015 4:41 am

I'm really bad when it comes to picking at my fingers. If there's ever a hangnail or dry skin or anything, I'll pull it off. This tends to result in painful little wounds that sometimes bleed and sometimes get infected. Right now both of my thumbs and my left ring finger have such self-inflicted injuries. I'm thinking about carrying a nail clipper around with me all the time just so I don't damage my fingers so much anymore.

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Post by DarkZero » Sat May 23, 2015 4:49 am

You stole mine
shane nuked my best posts

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Post by Valigarmander » Sat May 23, 2015 4:55 am

You can have it back, I don't want it. :(

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Sat May 23, 2015 5:01 am

Ultimate Procrastinator. I should be in Danganronpa 3.

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Post by Softguitar » Mon May 25, 2015 11:05 am

Aaah. Tear it up instead of down, if you do. D:
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Post by Sim Kid » Mon May 25, 2015 2:00 pm

I was going to say I was a procrastinator but I'll do that later.

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Post by Booyakasha » Mon May 25, 2015 11:10 pm

I fiddle with things. Like, if I'm sitting next to a remote, I will remove and replace the battery cover over and over again for hours. I find it pleasing. I derive tactile enjoyment from it, and it drives people crazy. Like, I once had a girl threaten to both dump and murder me over it. (Haha, don't worry--------I killed her first.).
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Post by United Nations » Tue May 26, 2015 12:51 am

Habits...I have too many. Smoking, drinking, biting my nails, peeling my cuticles, procrastinating, rocking back and forth, tapping my feet, playing with my baby toe, saying "beep boop" whenever I do...anything, singing sentences, biting the insides of my cheeks...there's probably a lot more. You get the idea. I'm pretty much just neurotic.

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Post by spooky scary bearatons » Tue May 26, 2015 4:34 am

my right cheek is a callous of hate and teeth marks
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Post by Booyakasha » Tue May 26, 2015 12:32 pm

^right butt-cheek, one presumes?

uhhh, easy solution, duder, stop lettin ladies bite you on the ass-------heck's the matter with you

maybe you should try being less attractive to lady-zombies and lady-draculas-------start rubbin garlic on your butt, bro
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Post by Booyakasha » Wed May 27, 2015 11:06 am

thought of another one---------when i'm bored at my stupid job i think of weird songs from my childhood and sing them to amuse myself

boss-man caught me singing 'hoodleyhoo' from good old 'cartoon planet' whilst facing last night-------pretty sure he thinks I'm some kind of idiot now

i also practice monologues---------------the stupider the better (anyone see that kids in the hall sketch 'three for the moon'? it's one of my faves, and i've watched it enough to have inadvertantly memorised bruce mcculloch's insane rambling speech ("the moon is bright...over lebanon tonight!")-----it's great know, maybe those are secretly rad habits-------------lack of outside perspective muddies the issue
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Post by CaptHayfever » Wed May 27, 2015 12:59 pm

^Those are pretty cool habits, really. I used to sing at work when it got too quiet & boring.

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Post by StarryPeach » Wed May 27, 2015 2:08 pm

^^I wouldn't call those bad habits, really. I sing at work too, but that's more a defense mechanism than a habit.

I have the bad habits of biting my nails when I'm bored or nervous, and shaking my leg while I'm sitting down.

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Post by Thanous » Wed May 27, 2015 11:08 pm

Doing nothing with my life xD

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Post by Bomby » Wed May 27, 2015 11:39 pm

Picking at any skin blemish that appears on my face.

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Post by ScottyMcGee » Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:15 pm

[QUOTE="Valigarmander, post: 1534862, member: 30663"]I'm really bad when it comes to picking at my fingers. If there's ever a hangnail or dry skin or anything, I'll pull it off. This tends to result in painful little wounds that sometimes bleed and sometimes get infected. Right now both of my thumbs and my left ring finger have such self-inflicted injuries. I'm thinking about carrying a nail clipper around with me all the time just so I don't damage my fingers so much anymore.[/QUOTE]

This times infinity. Except I used to bite them off. I never realized it was like a thing until about 3 years ago. I forgot the term. Wait-no, I remember. It's dermatophagia.

I did this FOR YEARS.

We're talking like since I was in elementary school.

All the way until college.

And this wasn't like I only bit my cuticles because I saw them peeling. I would have this unexplained desire to bite them off. They could be totally fine but I would just start biting and tear off a piece and for some insane reason think "YES." Like I was satisfying a craving.

You can imagine what my fingers looked like.

What made me stop?

I had this idea for what I call "imaginary ultimatums." I would tell myself stuff like "If I bite one cuticle today, I will never get to go out with the girl of my dreams. Ever." or "If I bite my cuticles today, an innocent child will die." I'd think stuff like "If someone held a gun to my girlfriend's head and told me they'd shoot if I bit a cuticle, would I still bite a cuticle?"

Then poof. I just did that several times and I haven't bitten my cuticles or even picked at them for the past 2 years - and still going. It's like I've lost all interest in biting them. It was amazing on the day I realized I hadn't bitten them in like months. I hadn't felt freer.

I briefly resorted to biting off the skin of my lips. I think once I stopped biting my cuticles then my brain was like "I'LL TAKE SOMETHING ELSE DOWN YOU'LL SEE" and I realized I was biting my lip more and more. But I punched myself in the face and said, "NO. STOP THAT."

I think one bad habit I'm developing ever since I got a job is get a little lazier. It's really ironic since I started working. What I mean to say is getting more comfortable with life, which I always feared. I sit a lot at work, so I strive to get up and do stuff. I suddenly found myself going to fast-food restaurants every other week because I'm busy at work and don't have time for a full meal. But it came to the point where even if I did have time I suddenly had a craving to gorge on McDonald's. I hadn't eaten fast-food since I was in elementary school. But other people's fast-food habits makes me feel better about myself. This past Cinco de Mayo, my friends thought it'd be funny to get Taco Bell. I was appalled - I hadn't had Taco Bell since I was like 10. But all of them have it like nearly once a week.

I shake my leg too but you know what that never bothers me. I think it adds character. It also happens when I've been sitting for too long so it's like a friendly reminder to myself that I should get up and walk around.

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Post by Marilink » Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:21 pm

I, too, am a finger-picking monster.
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Post by Calamity Panfan » Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:09 pm

smoking (though I haven't in like a month so I've got that going for me), drinking, biting my nails, shaking my leg, i also hum/sing when i work and that is probably a weird thing when i'm with a customer
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Post by United Nations » Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:45 pm

One I realized today: stress shopping. Or more eloquently known as retail therapy.

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Post by Puddin » Fri Jun 05, 2015 8:43 pm

I eat my zits ._.

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