The most anticlimactic final boss ever....

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Sim Kid
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The most anticlimactic final boss ever....


Post by Sim Kid » Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:53 pm

While I've had numerous final bosses be pretty easy to me, they don't really die as quick as the final bosses in Fire Emblem, who have been known to die in one hit on occasion. (Okay well the final boss in Final Fantasy Legend was weak to the saw but that's besides the point.)

Plenty of people say the Demon King is the easiest but no...there are worse than the Demon King. I actually had to use more than one person to take him out.

Medeus I've taken out with only one hit from a non-blessed Marth because he criticaled, Idoun has but TWO weaknesses, Roy and Fa. Sure they can only be hit by several characters while the Demon King can be taken out by anyone with a legendary weapon, but the absolute worst final boss award goes to Fire Emblem: Thracia 776.

Beldo, Berdo, Beld, or Berd, whatever you wanna call him is pretty pathetic. >.< he's practically just an upgraded trash mob.

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Post by Perrin Aybara » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:00 pm

Hands down nothing can ever beat FF10.

It's a flippen floating giant tick, that doesn't have any actual attack.


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Post by Nomyt » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:18 pm

Lucien in Fable 2. Press button to use magic box. Win Game. Me used WTF?
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Post by Swordmaster Link » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:27 pm

The most anticlimactic boss I've played was most definitely Zera Valmar from Grandia II. A damper on an otherwise enjoyable game, all I had to do was use Millenia's Spellbinding Eye to hold him in place, and go to town on him. Disappointingly easy.

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Post by DarkZero » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:25 pm

Bob the Goldfish wins this title. :cool:
shane nuked my best posts

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Post by Crazyswordsman » Wed Jun 17, 2009 9:32 pm

Perrin Aybara wrote:Hands down nothing can ever beat FF10.

It's a flippen floating giant tick, that doesn't have any actual attack.

This. -CSM

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Post by Sim Kid » Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:48 pm

Perrin Aybara wrote:Hands down nothing can ever beat FF10.

It's a flippen floating giant tick, that doesn't have any actual attack.


Yu Yevon would definitely make the top ten most anticlimactic final bosses ever but Berd has him beat. All it really did was show that Yu Yevon was nowhere near like the Evan he was based off of. :P

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Thu Jun 18, 2009 3:51 pm

Paper Mario for one. I killed Bowser so easy, in one try, with all of my badassest (not a word, I know) items on hand, and just stomped his ass. I was disappointed.

Also, Tales of Symphonia. Forgot the kids name, but he was stupid and weak. Same situation as above.

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Post by Crazyswordsman » Thu Jun 18, 2009 6:40 pm

Don't forget the final boss in CT's developer room ending. Gotta love Sir Krawlie. -CSM

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Post by Speed » Fri Jun 19, 2009 10:53 pm

I REALLY HATE POKEMON! wrote:Paper Mario for one. I killed Bowser so easy, in one try, with all of my badassest (not a word, I know) items on hand, and just stomped his ass. I was disappointed.

Also, Tales of Symphonia. Forgot the kids name, but he was stupid and weak. Same situation as above.

Dude, Mithos was damn hardcore.

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Post by X-3 » Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:00 pm

^I guess we're talking about difficulty: for example, Command Mission's final boss is awesomely climatic, but easy thus giving it kinda of a "well then" feeling. (which I ignore, because that battle was awesome) Then again, maybe you were talking in those terms, making this paragraph pointless.

Anti-Climatic Due to Situation: FF1-Chaos (guess I just like a, "WE GOTTA BEAT THIS GUY QUICK" feeling. This just seemed like, "yeah, let's go back in time and prevent all this" Also, this was mostly chosen because I couldn't think of anything else)
Anti-Climatic Due to Difficulty: MMBN "normal" final bosses generally.

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Post by Metal Man » Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:54 am

The final boss of Mother 3 was a tad anticlimactic, leaving my totally awesome powers I gained just before it and the second-to-last boss mostly wasted.

Cell, the boss of the GCN game DBZ: Budokai 2 (I think) also was anticlimactic. I accidentally beat him and thus, the entire game, just by kicking him in the face 50 times in a row, and took little to no damage doing so, because he apparently could not counter my awesome foot-into-face onslaught.

Star Fox Adventures wasn't anticlimactic, but I was angry I never got to fight General Scales.

Half-Life 2's final boss was more of a puzzle than anything, and one not as tricky or as exciting as the Portal one.

They fixed this in the episodic sequels.

Sonic Battle sort of gypped me out of a full battle with its surprise final plot twist, although it gave me a great second-to-last battle.

Sonic Heroes' final battle just sucked. The second to last one, again, rocked, but the second part was just nonsense. Which they then reused for Shadow the Hedgehog, where it once again sucked.

Depending upon the version, SMB's final battle is rather similar to all the other ones, and thus, sort of feels anticlimactic, but it doesn't suck.

Super Paper Mario's was another Yu Yevon-style mess. I didn't care about defeating it, the person I wanted to continue beating the tar out of wimpily gave up before I could kill him. Forget the whiney emo plot, I wanted to destroy things!
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Post by Saria Dragon of the Rain Wilds » Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:42 am

Metal Man wrote:I accidentally beat him and thus, the entire game, just by kicking him in the face 50 times in a row, and took little to no damage doing so, because he apparently could not counter my awesome foot-into-face onslaught.

I have a tendency to level up more than enough before most boss battles, so underwhelming is something I'm mostly used to.

Ganon in OoT, on the other hand. All you had to do with hit his tail with the Megaton Hammer a few times, and that was it. :[
Nonsense, I have not yet begun to defile myself.

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Post by I am nobody » Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:41 am

My list:

ToS: I was getting >10k from Unison Attacks, so his 75k or whatever health didn't help much.

KotoR: Only if you abuse the strength stat. Pretty much every attack hits if you have 36. (the rest of the last few hours were good, but I think Obsidian did a better job with two)

FFTA2: The final boss had virtually no attack and could be killed in 5-6 turns. The pre-final boss could be killed in 1-3 if you had high-level Grias and warping units. I suppose it wasn't very anticlimatic if you consider that the game stopped being even mildy difficult at the 3 hour mark, though.

PH: Drawing that hourglass was harder than the boss itself.

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Post by Nomyt » Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:27 pm

Seraph on Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Laharl and One Ninja, verus him. Laharl was the same level as him, and the Ninja was three levels lower. (Ninja came away unhurt, and Laharl lost half his life.)
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Post by Wicked Witch of the Crest » Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:33 pm

Somebody mentioned Ganon already, heh.

Mammon of Quest 64, the most pathetic boss of the game. Of course, he can still do a lot of damage to you if you actually don't try to heal(or are silly enough to not have healing items/healing spell amongst your repetoire). He's much more challenging in the remake, though, and switched out his pathetic Dispell All move with a beam of actually damage.(may be a remake of the move, though)

I agree that Mithos was pretty easy. He wasn't supposed to be that hard, as there is supposed to be a much more challenging bonus boss(and I don't just mean Abyssion, who's only a bit harder).
What's the matter, scared?

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Post by Sim Kid » Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:45 pm

Mithos's first form was rather difficult if only because he couldn't hold still and I could never stunlock him to keep him from using Retribution and futzing me up with statuses, or the occasional holy lance in Lloyd's face. (God I wish we had Free run...)

His second form, however, was VERY easy. I'm glad that other tales of final bosses have been harder. (Even if Schwartz was kinda cheap at times)

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Post by I REALLY HATE POKEMON! » Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:20 pm

Infected By Swine Flu wrote:Dude, Mithos was damn hardcore., not really. He was a kid in a ridiculous looking bubble machine thing, and was sooo weak. I mean, I wanna lose a few times at least. C'mon, make me use my rare items, please. And I never really got the hang of most of the powers or unison attacks, and I doubt I acquired the best equipment. I did grind a bit though, but still, it was too easy no matter how I look at it.

Look at FFX's final boss battle; aside from the retarded cut scene I had to endure through each loss, I loved it. Perfect challenge, because it was fair but tough. Excellent boss music, cool looking monster, very challenging...I couldn't ask for more from a boss.
Deviot]Mammon of Quest 64 wrote:
REMAKE. Quest 64 has a remake?! Where. Is. It. I almost beat that game without saving because I didn't have the save pak thing. I'd love to finish it, especially a remake!
Metal Man]Star Fox Adventures wasn't anticlimactic wrote:
Me too!

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:34 pm

Look at FFX's final boss battle; aside from the retarded cut scene I had to endure through each loss, I loved it. Perfect challenge, because it was fair but tough. Excellent boss music, cool looking monster, very challenging...I couldn't ask for more from a boss. aren't actually referring to Yu Yevon, are you?

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Post by Sim Kid » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:32 am

I think he means Braska's Final aeon. :P That actually had me NUMEROUS times.
