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My 4th FF conquered! (possible FF4 spoilers)

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 6:45 am
by Vinny
Yesterday, at 1PM (UK time), I beat Final Fantasy 4, one of the best FF games, certainly better than 6. I don't what all the fuss is about with 6. I certainly can't see anything too special about it. Anyway, I was planning to beat it at lv70, but I ended up going for it with levels 66 (Kain & Cecil), 65 (Edge & Rosa), and 62 (Rydia). Bolt had me all scared cause he had kept telling me that Wyvern was way harder than Zemus and (and I quote) "Bahamut is Wyvern's ***** Image ." Now, Bolt, why did you get me so worked up over that? Wyvern is easy! Not only did the Mega Flare at the start only hit 3 people, it didn't even kill them! All you need to do is have Rosa heal constantly, Rydia cast Bahamut, and Edge throw Excalburs. White Dragon was harder than Wyvern! And Rydia rules all.

As for Zemus, kinda freaked me out the first time I used the Crystal. Ugh. If I was that ugly I'd kill myself. Anyway, I killed Zemus (I refuse to call him Zeromus) at the 3rd try, saw what may be the longest ending I've ever seen, and everyone lived happily ever after, the end. And Rydia rules all.

In conclusion, Rydia rules all and Kain sucks. I mean, he may look and act really cool and everything, but he still sucks. He has no special ability except for Jump, and not only does it make his next turn come later which slows down the rate at which I kill the enemy, but also Cecil can do more damage with an ordinary attack than Kain can do by jumping. As T2K said, they should've made him a Blue Mage. The only thing he can do is jump up and evade attacks like the useless little coward that he is... Don't get me wrong, I like Kain, but that doesn't take away from the fact that he sucks at fighting. Oh, and what was that thing at the end about not being good enough to see Rosa and Cecil again? You saved the friggin' world, for Chrissake! Isn't that good enough for you? Last I checked, you didn't need to be the greatest warrior that had ever lived to attend your friend's wedding. And Rydia rules all.

I started playing FF5 (The "European Edition" of FF Anthologies is FF4 & 5, and you can buy FF6 separately, which really sucks because that means that there's no Chronicles, which means that there's NO CHRONO TRIGGER Image Image !!!!!!!!!! Come and arrest me for having it on ZSNES, but I couldnt've bought the game even if I wanted to, so I have a good excuse. It's quite simple, really: If you make a really good game that a lot of people want but you don't let them have access to it, it WILL be pirated. That's less money for you! And they haven't released FFT here either :rolleyes: . Tsk, tsk. Will they ever learn? Oh, and by the way, Rydia rules all.

Anyway, FF5 looks really cool so far, although I've only gotten to the Wind Crystal (my dad told me to turn it off. Said I'd been on it too long. WHAT DOES HE KNOW Image ?!!? Oh, any advice on what the best jobs are?

So that's FF4 added to my list of FF victories: 9, X, and 7, in that order. I've also played FF8, but I got up to Ultimecia's Castle and then I moved from Taiwan to England, and because of the different electricity system, I can only play my PSX in black & white, cause all my games are pirated and my PS2 isn't chipped Image . And I kinda dropped 6 right at the end. Anyway, FF4 is a great game. And did I mention that Rydia rules all?

Quote of the week:
"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." - Joe E Lewis
Image of the week:
Pointless fact of the week:
The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopics- ilicovolcanoconiosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters ispneumonoultra-microscopicsilicovol- canoconioses, its plural.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 3:24 pm
by Wyborn
Nice that you like FF4 so much. [img]graemlins/clap.gif[/img] for your comments about FF6 and Kain.... [img]graemlins/umm.gif[/img]

[ August 24, 2003, 02:24 PM: Message edited by: Wyborn ]

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 4:18 pm
by Vinny
Originally posted by Material, the 9th Angel:
Are you playing the hard type or the easy type, and what level are you?
I'm playing Anthologies, so I that would make it Hardtype. I already said what level I am. Once again: Kain and Cecil at 66, Rosa and Edge at 65, and Rydia at 62.

Seriously Wyborn, what's so good about Kain?

Quote of the week:
"You're not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on." - Joe E Lewis
Image of the week:
Pointless fact of the week:
The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopics- ilicovolcanoconiosis. The only other word with the same amount of letters ispneumonoultra-microscopicsilicovol- canoconioses, its plural.

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2003 11:40 pm
by Timotheus
Kain is awesome. His character during the whole story is just great, one of my personal faves. I also think his jump is worth it. It isn't the *most* powerful thing out there, but it is pretty good, and it avoids damage as well. I've been trying the hardtype. It can be very challenging at some bosses. Their attacks and magic can hurt a LOT. Oh, and good job on finishing the game. It's actually my favorite FF, because it was my first RPG and I played it through when I was 4. :D

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 1:23 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
Image Very nice, Vinny! I still gotta play FFIV! *gives ya marshmallows* :D

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2003 4:06 pm
by imported_Parrakarry
Is Culex from FF5? I've been playing SMRPG recently and am curious.

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:17 pm
by AJ Middleton
Good 'ol FF2 was my second FF, after Mystic Quest.

lol, about Wyvern, when I first played FF2, I didnt understand that you can't run from every battle with more than 1 enemy and expect to beat bosses. Naturally, I could NEVER beat Valvalis. And when I finally (somehow) did (after months), and then somehow got to the end (how? who knows), Wyvern was impossible. I just finished a file that I started probably last year (in which I never ran), and I definitely beat Wyvern in one try, with everyone alive, in the mid 50s. He went down in like 30 seconds. But when I gave you the warning it was because I was relying on bad memories of long ago. Won't happen again!

FF2 is definitely not a 60s game. My late 50s made Zeromus too easy as it was.

Kain is awesome! He's one of the best attackers, and his jump is definitely worth it! And he doesn't feel good enough to go to the wedding because he was controlled by evil twice. He wants to train to prevent that from happening ever again.

But, eh, I've beaten FF2 to a pulp. It's going to reach the Chrono Trigger level soon.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2003 12:15 am
by Wyborn
Zeromus is too easy in the high the easy version. That's the one I own, of course, and not a single one of my characters besides Cecil was even at level 40. Hell of a fight. HELL of a fight.

I can't wait to play the hard version