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Final Fantasy is mediocre

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:23 am
by Burt McPerfect
I smashed through the entire series in one day, all the while yawning. Here were my records:

FFI: five minutes, 100%
FFII: three minutes, 100%
FFIII: fifteen minutes, 100%
FFIV: twelve minutes, 100%
FFV: ten minutes, 100%. Yes, I found the Pink Tail within two battles and under one minute
FFVI: seventeen minutes, 100%
FFVII: twenty minutes, 100%. I beat disc one within fifteen seconds, and then got bored and went out to play a game of soccer while leaving the game running. in the end I got the disappointing time (still perfect) however, of twenty minutes, including the time i spent playing soccer with god's friends
FFVIII: ten minutes, 100%
FFIX: three minutes, 100%
FFX: eighteen seconds, 100%
FFT: two minutes, three seconds, 100%

[ April 18, 2003, 01:29 AM: Message edited by: Burt McPerfect ]

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 3:03 am
by Burt McPerfect
Mediocre? Hardly. What you're saying is driven entirely for your hate for me; thus with no solid proof to back up your ridiculous claims. My face is sexy, beautiful, and the complexion is virtually spotless and perfect. To call a face as wonderful as mine; mediocre, is a crime to the humanity itself. Run on home to your job at the sausage factory, where you'll sit about all day using the sausages you produce to substitute for something else.

[ April 18, 2003, 02:04 AM: Message edited by: Burt McPerfect ]