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Post by PK FIRE! » Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:22 pm

Why couldn't Spike just slit her throught?
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give me food
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Post by give me food » Sun Nov 09, 2003 2:32 pm

Rinoa was annoying as hell, and the futuristic setting was somewhat of an "off" for me. I'm more into the fantasy, I s'pose.
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Post by PK FIRE! » Sun Nov 09, 2003 8:10 pm

Both? FFVI> FFVII indeed. FFVI >>> FFV
Quotes to live by.

\"A man\'s fate is a man\'s fate and life is but an illusion\" Shogun
\"I think therfore I am dangerus.\" Unknown
\"Knowlegde without wisdome is a ticking timebomb.\" Myself

give me food
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Post by give me food » Mon Nov 10, 2003 8:37 pm

Originally posted by Douglas of the Red Atlamilla:
What I hate most about those stupid FF7 hippies is that they say that the life-size figures in FF8 were as annoying as hell, yet they say that the life-size figures in FFX is the best idea ever, and that Tidus kicks the hell out of Rinoa. Excuse me? Who had the I.Q of 20? Tidus or Rinoa?
Both Tidus and Rinoa are retarded as hell.

I personally didn't know their IQs went that high.
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Post by Omni_Link » Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:55 am

ff6, ff5, and ff4 some of the best rpgs ever

ff7- one of the best rpgs no matter how much you try and hate on it. besides it was one of the first games out on ps back in 96? 97? so ya really can't complain about anything about it now.

ff8-.....what the hell were they thinking? battle system and the menu killed it. the story line is ok...ok ok it was below average.

ff9- excellent rpg hands down.

ff10- tidus annoying as hell...auron tight as hell. Every one else did there role good....sphere grid kills it badly. not a bad story line. blitz ball isn't that bad...I played it quite a bit(when i was high or bored as ****{that means when watching paint dry gets borring to me as well}). the game all in all was above average.

chrono trigger- need i say any thing?...one of the top 5 rpgs of all time I would say.

thats the only rpgs I would say is worth mentioning...

give me food
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Post by give me food » Tue Nov 11, 2003 11:05 am

The sphere grid was...original, but I still hated it. Screw up once in the beginning and it's practically impossible to get anything done.

FF9 was a pretty damn close clone of FF4--to me, at least. Maybe my imagination works the overtime.
<i>relax, we understand j00</i>
