What's Chrono Cross like?

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Post by Vinny » Wed Apr 30, 2003 1:57 pm

I don't know cause I don't have it, but it's probably like the Anthologies series. They put in a brand new, "cool" FMV at the beginning an past that it's the exact same thing (except for ff4, which is translated better than the original, or so I've heard).

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Wed Apr 30, 2003 11:00 pm

The CT PSX ending links directly to CC. Yay.

The reason for CC's characters is because Square wanted to stop people from complaing about not being able to play as so-and-so. The sad thing is, they still left one person out. The lack of development isn't a problem when you realize that every who matters is developed anyway. Everyone else has a story*, but it stops at that.

*And then there's Turnip...

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Thu May 01, 2003 5:39 pm

No. The PSX version was released in 1999 along with FF2(4) as Final Fantasy Chronicles.

Poshul is the Arni Village pet, Neofio is Luccia's experiment, Leah is shrouded in mystery, Mojo is the fisherman's doll, Funguy is the Termina item seller, and Pip is...oh yeah, him too.

Everyone has SOME story except for Turnip and Pip.

I'm talking aboout Dario.

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Post by Zavval » Thu May 01, 2003 5:52 pm

The PSX version doesn't have just an anime opening an ending. There are some very cool in game ones too, like when Frog cuts the rock in front of the Magic Cave. The load times are pretty bad, but if you like the game enough you can see past them.

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AJ Middleton
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Post by AJ Middleton » Fri May 02, 2003 12:06 am

Originally posted by Undefeated of the East:
Just because they have a little story behind them doesn't really mean they're "developed."
But they are developed enough for playable-NPCs (think about that.)

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Post by A Genius » Fri May 02, 2003 5:04 pm

Originally posted by Doc Emmett L. Brown:
I like Jay's PDN. That is all.
