Whoa. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa.ZG: The don't have much of a way to defend themselves. Blake brought up to much evidence.
Basically, you're admitting that they are in a BAD position and CANNOT defend themselves, yet you WILL NOT VOTE FOR ONE OF THEM and are DEMANDING that HOTTIE explain herself?
Here's a little addendum to Blake's dossier:
YOU'VE agreed with all three of them SEVERAL times today. By saying they have nothing do defend, you are implying that you AGREE with all of Blake's suspicions, yet you will not vote for them? You instead will vote for someone who HAS to explain her actions?
...It seems to me that you are actually covering for them. You are ALIGNING yourself with them.
Wow. I really have a strong suspicion that you are, in fact, mafia. And the way you dismiss Blake's claims and still go for Hottie even though you acknowledge that the evidence against Wy, RF, and SK is stronger lends even MORE support to Blake's theories that they are, in fact, in cahoots.
I'm getting ready to vote you off, ian...