Zelda Mafia Round 2 Night One (IMPORTANT, REPLACEMENT NEEDED!)

Rayman FREAK
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Post by Rayman FREAK » Wed Dec 05, 2007 1:30 pm

The Marilink Companion Cube wrote:It's not a matter of where you're leading us--it's a matter of the fact that you're leading us--period. Whether or not you're leading us into a trap is irrelevant, the fact that you're leading us at all--and how well you know it may work--it what's suspicious.
How can you possibly say that HotD is leading us? She's made no more than 10 posts in day 1, most of which were only about 3 sentences long. Sounds to me like you're more afraid of what she COULD do than what she HAS done.

Could she be a mafioso leading the town to its downfall? Possibly, but in this case, your FoS (from back on page 13) seems very premature to me. You had no evidence to support the idea that she could be mafia. To think you did is absurd.
Could she be a townie leading the town to victory? Also possible, and in this case, your FoS would indicate that you do NOT want that to happen.

Again, HotD hasn't been leading ANYONE during this game. There's no way you can substantiate that. When I take all of this into consideration, you make yourself look like a trigger-happy mafioso trying to oust a power-player townie from round 1.

FoS: Marilink

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:32 pm

I will certainly explain myself.

Firstly, I don't WANT people thinking I have some "air of mysticism" around me because of last round. Honestly, I'm afraid that makes me more of a target.

Secondly, about ian:

Maybe my memory is really bad, but LAST game, but I thought that my PM said you win when "all the mafia is killed" or something like that. The condition is slightly changed this round, because it's not just the mafia we are up against, it's also the slasher - so, this round, the conditions read "all evil", not just mafia.

The way ian worded that post was exactly word for word the same as mine - so, I thought it was more than coincidence that he got the same exact wording. That's why I retracted my FoS. Perhaps I was overly enthusiastic in claiming why, and I can see why it makes me look suspicious, but that's what was going through my mind at the time. I'd take a picture, but I don't want Crav to yell at me *cough*TML*cough*.

TML: in regards to mistakes... well, what Wy said makes sense, and I hadn't thought of it that way. I mean, Hottie and I did make stupid mistakes last time, too. I didn't think of it that way (pardon me for being overzealous in my suspicions :p ). Perhaps it merely was a n00bish mistake. I'll retract the FoS, but I'm keeping a watchful eye on you. ;)

Wy]ZeldaGirl holds that claiming your role as a Townie would absolve you of some guilt and can only help the team because it means you live longer. But that is not the case: if people start actually revealing their roles wrote:
HOLD on a minute there, mister! I NEVER said anything about actually revealing your role! I said DON'T do that. I said give us an indication that you are one of us, but I explicitly said DON'T reveal your role.
Myself]it's best to make clear to your fellow townies that you are one of them without labelling yourself unnecessarily.[/quote] Yeah wrote: ZG: Why are you trusting me? I lied about roles last game, and yet you still believe I am a townie just because I know the win conditions?
I already addressed this, but I will again, anyway. Yes, you lied last game... but as I said, (though I didn't save the PM's from last game), I thought that the win condition said something along the lines of winning when all Mafia is destroyed or killed. The win condition is DIFFERENT this time, and you recited it perfectly - I assumed only someone with a townie PM would be able to do that. I apologize if it came off as acting too rashly... in my mind, I was struggling between you and TML, and you saying that solidified something for me. So, again, I apologize. :p
I think this is why I played it extremely cool at the very beginning, merely testing the waters and trying to be "diplomatic" until I got the hang of the gameplay through the strategies of others. I'd like to at least hear what ZG has to say about the issue because, when the rubber meets the road, I think I have more grounds to suspect ZG than I do Chunky... and I'm still waiting for his little reply.
Just so you don't think I'm ignoring you. :p

Other townies, I want to know - what was your reaction when you read ian's post stating the exact win condition? I mean, I thought it was a clear indication... however, if I am in fact incorrect about the first game's PM and win conditions, I know that this probably looks like I'm screwing myself, in which case, I can only say it's an honest mistake.

..Blake didn't make it, either, but they never got him on that point.
ACTUALLY, I did. I cannot recall if I actually stated it in the topic, but I know I definitely said something in my PM to Hottie about the fact that you, Daos, and Blake all did fake RP's. Just saying. :p

Yeah, Wy, I know, I've been known to make mistakes. I've also been known to be correct on a few occasions... I don't like the fact that you are trying to harp and have everyone come against me because you're saying that the only reason I was right at all in the first game is because I made stupid mistakes. I did a few things right, too.

However, Wy, it seems to me that you are trying to insinuate that its only due to my incompetence that anything was done last game, which is hurtful. I understand that you're trying to say people should not take my theories as absolute (which some people have been doing, despite the fact I've specifically TOLD THEM NOT TO). I just don't like the way you're going about it, because it's like you're trying to make me out to be an idiot. Overzealous, possibly. Paranoid, yes. Idiot, hey, you're a meanie head! :(

Watch this, guys, I'm going to demonstrate how to tell a bold-faced lie:

I am Majora, Mafia Leader. My power is to bring the moon crashing down on every third night and kill five random people, from any team.

See that? A lie - not even a good one.
I know I was preaching on not following last game, but I'm going to become a hypocrite now...

Wy, when we were confronting you last time, you used a very similar method. The whole "showing people how to tell lies" thingy. It's just something that I find very interesting... :D

ML: Rayman brings up an excellent point. Here you are, trying to ward people off of myself and Hottie... I can understand myself, I've been very vocal, but Hottie has hardly posted. Not that it excludes her from my suspicion, but still, you're very adamantly against her...

For now, I'm going to retract my FoS on TML... everyone makes mistake, and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, for now. :p

Oh, and...

FoS: Wyborn
FoS: ian (just kidding, but he seems to like it when I do that!
:p )

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Post by Wyborn » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:03 pm

And so it comes down to this: delicious.

[quote="Rayman FREAK]How can you possibly say that HotD is leading us?[/quote]

It mostly has to do with the fact that when Hottie speaks"]That[/i] claim isn't suspicious. What is suspicious is the fact that he says this about Hottie and ZG and then doesn't say it about me, when I've been as nasty and bull-headed as anyone so far and even convinced several people to start in on ZeldaGirl out of nowhere.

FoS: Marilink

And will you silly people stop placing so much importance on Fingers of Suspicion?

Now, ZeldaGirl, I want you to read this carefully. It's very important.

If you are going to mention something that absolutely absolves a person of guilt, do not mention it in public. This particular piece confirmed you as either Hero or Townie (maybe Slasher depending on if he can join the town), I'm not sure which: you saved your own life in one sense, but you have also very seriously narrowed down the possible number of people who could be Heroes. Play smart. Don't do that again.

It however does not confirm ian, whose turn of phrase may have been coincidence. Again, do not write off another person without extremely good reason.

I retract my Finger of Suspicion on ZeldaGirl.

I have been given much, much to think about.

When I post again? I will be voting.

These days go on too long, Crav.


Oh, and seriously guys, a Slasher being able to join the Townies is almost a ridiculous notion. The Link role and the Townie Slasher would be borderline identical. Chances are it's not happening and we have to assume he's an enemy.
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:06 pm

^Thank you.
If you are going to mention something that absolutely absolves a person of guilt, do not mention it in public. This particular piece confirmed you as either Hero or Townie (maybe Slasher depending on if he can join the town), I'm not sure which: you saved your own life in one sense, but you have also very seriously narrowed down the possible number of people who could be Heroes. Play smart. Don't do that again.
I know I mentioned this before, but I realize how STUPID that was. Last game, I was so used to just speaking my mind with Hottie, that I've completely forgotten that it's dangerous when I don't know who I'm talking to. So, I apologize. :o

Plus, my brain is fried right now - I took one final today, and have been studying so much, that I'm just posting without really thinking. So, again, I'm sorry. :o

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Post by The Missing Link » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:25 pm

Ah well, the post I was constructing is gone. (Curse you, auto-refresh!)

I'm going to say my piece rather plainly here.

ZG, your advice yesterday sounded like "giving evidence to show you're a Townie is good; don't be excessive." Your recent explanation echoed that, which honestly makes sense. (Even the Mafia, Heroes, and Slasher want others to consider that they're Townies.) However, it was Wy's post in between that made me forget exactly what it was you said, leading me to think that you were saying something entirely different... thereby causing my FoS.

Boy, isn't this fun.

I know I'm the last person to be giving overarching advice ("chump-ass noob" here), but I've fallen into this pit several times already over the past IC day, and so I think it merits saying. Check and double-check everything. It only takes overlooking a small detail to escape unwanted FoSes (and eventually votes) or to draw unwanted attention to yourself.

Retracting my FoS on ZeldaGirl. I was going to withdraw my FoS before Wy's post (so I'm not just blindly following Wy's lead here), but our team meeting kept me away for longer than I wanted. The eye is still on you, of course, but it's really on everyone. ;)
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:45 pm

^Heh, I think everyone is a little harried, just given the time of year it is, with holidays coming up and all (...to prove my point, I totally just spelled with -----> "whith" :sweatdrop: ). I mean, while some things have gone more smoothly this game, other things have still been relatively sloppy.

*Ahem* Now...

Chunky: How's life? Enjoying school? Everything well? Getting ready for the holiday? Planning your next hit? Just checking in on ya. ;)

SML: I know you have a lot going on with school. But I know that you get online, and I've seen you on VGF - briefly, but you're still on. I'm curious as to why you've not posted once.

Gearz: I highly doubt he's still playing... why are people so adverse to signing up? I swear, I'm not crazy... (<_<), (>_>)


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Post by heh » Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:57 pm

I've rethought what i said about the slasher earlier. He probably either has a separate win condition or just has to survive. Still, He could try to kill the mafia first, to get rid of a chance to be killed. Whatever.

In addition Wy, How do you know what Link does? Are you just assuming he's copy-paste from mafia 1? (I didn't read it after the last mafia was lynched, did crav post the roles?) If he is a Townie Killer, Thats werid. I've never seen a Vig role without some kind of limit or consequence if they hit a townie.

I'm not accusing you or anything, if you did know, you'd be Link, which obviously isn't something to pile votes on. :p

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:05 pm

^I think Wy is referring to the fact that last game, Link had the ability to "kill" characters - he killed Ingo, but he also almost accidentally killed the Town Beggar (he ended up not only because Ace was killed by Mafia before the hero could get to him).

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:06 pm

OK, seeing as how I'm in class right now, I kind of skimmed the posts previous this one... so I'm sorry if I missed some major stuff; point it out to me and I'll go over it in detail tonight at home.

Anyway, I'd like to ask HotD one question: Why is it that you say FoSing wildly is so suspicious when that was one of the few things you did last game?

TML, I see your point-- you ask if I had any solid reasoning enough to place an FoS. The thing is, FoS's are tools to help figure out your feelings about one person. They're not important except to express you have a feeling of suspicion towards somebody; they're pretty much a conversation starter. I FoS'd you because I noticed that

a) earlier on, you didn't seem too against the method of killing off Gearz at the end of the day, even if he might be townie.
b) see previous posts; I don't feel like restating what I've already said.

As for HotD, I thought it was a little odd that she was playing EXACTLY like last game, seeing as how the rest of us changed our ways. I KNOW that this could be simply because she is in the same position as last game and can thusly do the damage she did before; HOWEVER it could also be a good hiding tactic. After all, if she's mafia, her current behavior is a beautiful disguise.

To be honest, I don't really distrust TML or Hottie too much more than anyone else-- I just have more interesting things to say about them that could back up my FoS's, get responses that'll help my accusations, and start conversations that may get us somewhere.

That's all for now; I'll be active again later tonight. Sorry if I missed something important.
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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:14 pm

You kiddies, using class time to post in Zelda Mafia. Teh horror. :p

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Post by heh » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:24 pm

I looked at the old mafia game and apparently link didn't gain his ability until later or something, thats why I was confused.

Still, theres nothing to suggest that link carried over exactly as he had before. Aside from continuity. Which doesn't matter more then gameplay.

I just think 3 guaranteed kills a D/N cycle in a 21 player game is a bit much.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:27 pm

Holy ****.

I'm offline for two days and this topic gets 13 pages!?

I seriously hate only being able to get on for two hours at a time during the weekdays.

And, I apologize, Wy. The IM/PM thing was meant in jest.

If anything else has been asked, please repeat it, because I'm not slogging through 13 pages.

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Post by Apollo the Just » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:29 pm

Oh, and about referring to the townies as 'them, it WAS an honest mistake. I can only blame it on the fact that it was late and I was very tired; that's the whole truth of it. Again, if you don't believe me, that's up to you... but I know what I meant. :D

Oh, and yes, ZG... I'm a bad, bad person. :P

..but I get straight A's, so I'm not gonna worry too much.


ZOMG Chunky!!!
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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:30 pm


Glancing at the this and the previous page, it seems I've been missed, even though that was a...relatively short absence. Anyway, I'd really like anyone to post their concerns again. As I've said before, I have limited time on the interwebs and have some other places to check, too.

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Post by Rayman FREAK » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:46 pm

Chunky, good to see you back.

You're mostly going to have to answer to Wyborn on this one.
Wyborn wrote:And no, I'm not letting the Chunky matter slide. Next time he's on I'm going to grill him about it until he smells like a hamburger.
So be ready for that. I'll bet that he's cooled off a bit since then, but he's announced that he WILL vote in his next post. I advise you to look through his posts and tell him what he wants to hear ASAP.

Meanwhile, my question to you is this: did you honestly log off 15 short minutes after you posted your FoS? If not, why didn't you respond to Wyborn sooner?

I'll also let you know that anytime somebody FoSs and then leaves for two days, I personally get very unnerved. I am sorry about your limitations on computer time, but that was incredibly careless in my eyes.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:49 pm

Well, according to the "Last time you were on was..." thing, I left a minute after I posted. I seriously didn't expect Wyborn to go off like that.

Also, my face is not a jerk. :(

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Post by The Missing Link » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:54 pm

CuccoLady wrote:Oh, and about referring to the townies as 'them, it WAS an honest mistake. I can only blame it on the fact that it was late and I was very tired; that's the whole truth of it. Again, if you don't believe me, that's up to you... but I know what I meant. :D
It's true; that is a possibility that I cannot rule out. Especially in the light of my mistakes! I'd be a hypocrite to prolong my FoS on you solely because of it. :) By and large, I merely mentioned it again to show my rationale leading up to my FoS on you. It really was your FoS on HotD, though, that's kept me on the wary about you from the get go though, and that's primarily why it still stands. (I believe that's mostly the basis for Rayman's FoS on Marilink as well.) Until I know more about the motivation for your suspicion of HotD, I have no choice but to consider you a dangerous player. :)
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Post by Apiary Tazy » Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:57 pm

I'm taking Gearz's Place.

Cravdraa, UPDATE MEEZ.

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Post by Rainbow Dash » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:15 pm

Wyborn wrote:Everyone: Fingers of Suspicion are not "official" things, you rubes! They are there exactly to provide you with an expression of suspicion that is not a vote! A little or a lot of suspicion can still merit a finger! This "Shifty Gaze" crap is pointless! Pointless!
This partly explains why I FoSed them.

Another reason is that Wy keeps pushing the whole "blah blah DON'T ROLEPLAY YOUR ROLES etc."

Also, I'm sorry I offended you, Silvie.

(...she hasn't been on lately?)

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Post by ZeldaGirl » Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:35 pm

Zant Ten wrote:I'm taking Gearz's Place.

Cravdraa, UPDATE MEEZ.

I'd PM him.

YAY! You're joining! :D

...I deserve recruitment points or something. ;)
