You've probably followed a link, one way or another, to a gem in the vast junkheap known affectionately as the interweb. It's a well-done flash cartoon, it's an article on how your console beats rival consoles, it's a picture of a monkey that turns into a popular political figure, it's a puzzle that you want others to solve for you. Whatever. The point is, you want to share that piece of the interweb with the world. There are two reasons you want to do this:
- It's such an entertaining webpage, you feel others will derive enjoyment as you did yourself for visiting it. In sharing, a you feel a warm fuzzy feeling for making the world a little happier place.
- It's a cool link, and people will think you're cool for telling them about it. (And no doubt, they will. IF it is indeed cool.)
With the advent of e-mail, the blogosphere, and places like this, you, the humble interweb citizen can share your links. Your links of happiness, of humour. Your links of sorrow, of despair. You can also find links, interesting links, intriguing links, hilarious links, and enjoy alike.
Such is the mission of this forum; it is the link between content and you. Share and Enjoy.