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Eating Organic Foodstuffs Makes A Difference

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 12:50 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
Family eats organic for just two weeks, removes nearly all pesticides from body
A Swedish family has shown just how quickly an organic diet change can rid the body of pesticides.

In a fortnight-long experiment, the family of five - parents Anette and Mats, and kids Vendela, Evelina and Charlie - swapped their conventional diet for an organic one and found that just two weeks of eating an organic diet managed to rid their bodies of most traces of pesticides.

[MEDIA=youtube]oB6fUqmyKC8[/MEDIA] ... h0jhd.html

Makes me wonder what my own chemical traces would be like as we don't eat only organic foodstuffs... we have just as much conventional foodstuffs, as well.

When I next visit my doctor, I will ask him about this because more information can't hurt... right?!... :D

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:47 am
by Deepfake
Inb4 "it's totally okay to eat toxins"

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:59 am
There shouldn't be such a thing as "organic" food. It should all be organic.

Posted: Mon May 25, 2015 3:58 am
by Apiary Tazy
Now if "organic" wasn't used to double the price of some food items we might be in business.