Okay, I actually started to write this before de-modding happened, but anyway.... here it is.
Welcome to the RPG FAQ. Hopefully all questions you need answering about the VGF RPG will be answered here.
Question 1: What is the RPG about?
A: Nothing, there is no storyline as such. In my opinion, it’s a bit like the battleground forum, only less writing (and you don’t have to take on members here).
Question 2: Do you take on members from other forums then, too?
A: No. A.I. Bots. Monsters that think for themselves.
Question 3: How do I start it up?
A: First click on the “RPG V” (the V is the arrow pointing down) at the top of the page. This will drop down a list of things to do. Firstly you need to Scan Yourself.
Question 4: What does that do?
A: Give me chance to explain! Scan yourself adds your warrior to the RPG. You’ll need to fill in the form.
The fields are: Character Name (Some enter their PDN, some make completely different names.)
Character Gender: (Male, Female, Unknown.)
Limit Break: (Give a name to your Limit Break move.)
Character Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral.)
Character Avatar Settings: (If you do add an avatar from another site, there is also preset Avatars.)
Elemental Type: (The Elemental alignment, being a different Alignment will give different powers to you. Be the Poison type, and you’ll be able to poison opponents with your melee attacks. Be the Demi type, and you can blind people with melee attacks. Also different types affect your stats. Have a look through.)
Question5: Now what do I do?
A: Choose a Job.
Question6: I thought that you said, there isn’t a storyline?
A: There isn’t. A Job gives you money, and also ups your stats.
Question7: Okay, so how do I set my Job?
A: Click the drop down menu, or by now you’ll see the list neatly lay out at the top of the page. Click the Job button.
Now you can choose a job.
Brawler, they have good HP and Strength.
Wizard, they have good MP and Vitality.
Page, they have good HP and Defence.
Pickpocket, they have good Evasion. (That’s all.)
Diviner, they have a low up in everything.
Fayth Servant, they have an Excellent HP and MP, also has a good Vitality.
Question8: What do you like?
A: It’s not in my opinion what you choose; but even though the Pickpocket doesn’t get much for stats. I love its pay out.
Question9: You get a Salary?
A: Yes, although Enchanter and Invoker doesn’t. You need to collect your salary every 24hrs. If you miss it one day, it’ll still be there to be collected. It doesn’t double. Collect your Salary by going on the Job’s screen and clicking get Salary when the time is right.
Question10: Okay, I’ve chosen a job, now what?
A: Item Shop. Click the Item Shop button to go there.
At the Item shop we can.
Buy Weapons.
Buy Amour
Buy Class Items.
Buy Amulets
Buy Rings
Buy Level up Gems.
You’ll have 500 munny to begin with. Buy a weapon and Amour to begin with. Worry about others later.
Question11: It’s not letting me buy the object I want, why?
A: Well, you may not have enough money. Be the wrong class for the item, or even not at the right level. Dagger or the Partisan, you will be able to get. If you can’t get one get the other.
Question12: I take it; it is the same with Amour?
A: You got it.
Question13: I’ve brought Weapons and Amour. I still have a fair bit of munny left, why are you telling me not to?
A: Well you can buy other stuff, but I like to bank a lot of munny.
Question14: Tell me about banking?
A: Click the bank button. It’s pretty easy to see what to do, deposit, withdraw, or loan.
Interest on the bank is 10%. The max loan you can get is 3000 munny, everything is pretty much easy to get.
Question15: Okay, I’ve banked, brought weapons and amour, now what?
A: How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana?
Only kidding, Equip you armour. Not much use having the items, if they aren’t equipped. Click the Equip button, then on that page. Choose Either Equip a Weapon, or Equip an Amour button.
Question16: Okay, equipped both items, now what?
A: Now depending on your class. Wizards may want to buy some spells. Summoners need to be level 1 to get a summon.
Question17: I’m a Wizard, so run me through the Spell Shop.
A: Well, the only magic worth your getting. Is heal spell at the moment, and maybe MP Fix. Lucky most of the low level magic costs 1 munny.
Question18: Right, now what?
A: Battle. First lets take you into an easy battle. First Click “Battle Ground” button, here you can “go to your current battle” or “Create a new Battle”.
Click Create a new battle button.
Go down and Create a Member Vs A.I. Bot. Battle.
Choose AI Opponent, first time leave it as (0) Gollum.
Battle scene, you can change it but no point to really.
Battle Music, I don’t have it on, can if you want to.
Question19: Right, I’ve created a battle with (0) Gollum. How do I battle?
A: Well the “In Battle Quick Help” Explains a bit of it. Scroll down to see “Your Current Battle” screen. It shows you the stats and colours of your battle.
Scroll down again to see “Attack Opponent” screen. Under that is Battle log, (I use it only on Member Vs Member).
Anyway, back to “Attack Opponent” screen. You can do six things here.
Attack type: changes the attack that you’ll do (The “in battle Quick help” explains what each does).
Healing: only if you brought a healing item from the Healing Centre.
Call Summon: Guess?
Surrender: Ditto.
If you attack with Fists or weapon, you can talk to other person by entering a message (delete the “Type message here (optional)” bit first.)
Once you’ve chosen the attack type, click attack button.
And low and behold, you’ve hopefully attacked. Repeat to win.
Question20: I’ve won, now what?
A: Well depending on how much damage you took you may want to heal. Click the Hospital Button. It’s pretty much easy to understand. On the heal HP, and Heal MP, just type the number that will fill your HP/MP to full. Click Evaluate Transaction, to start healing then confirm to finish.
Question21: Okay, I’ve now been battling and healing for sometime. It said on the result screen that I’ve reached level one, but nothing has happened to my stats, why is this?
A: Well, you get to choose how your stats level up. By clicking the “Skill Points” button. You get 8 skill points now (use to be 5) to use overall. Using one skill point in HP will boost that stat, by 2. Using one skill point in MP will boost it by 3. Then everything else is 1/1 (one skill/one stat.)
Question22: Okay, I’ve done my Eight points now what?
A: If you’ve got a bit of munny, by now go and buy new items. Class items are quite good for you Job Stats (I.E. Pickpockets Items increase their EVA.). Levels up gems do HP and MP.
Amulets and Rings are for slightly higher levels.
Or you can buy Healing potions, by clicking the Healing Center, most items explain themselves quite well and you don’t need me to help you (if you do need me to help explain the healing items, would you like me to sow little name tags into your coats as well?).
Question23: Anything else need to be shown to me?
A: Donate is used to Donate Items and Munny to others (Need to know their VGF PDN and NOT their RPG PDN, there is a topic which has some peoples names and rpg names.)
Lottery, click Buy tickets on non-drawn lotteries, they cost a fair bit. Never tried these yet.
Synthesis Shop, add gems to improve your items. You need to de-equip an item before adding a gem.
Clans are friends that join together. Thankfully most people that own the clans are friendly, and are hopefully willing to let you join, PM the leader to asking if you can join.
Store, reset you job or increase your rage meter. (Waste if you ask me.)
Auction, you need to improve you items before allowing it to be auctioned. (The Items in the Synthesis shop)
Statistics really need me to explain, what each thing in it means.
Member List shows you who’s who, and how they’re doing.
Member Search, Searches for members.
Triple Traid, a card game from FFVIII, Expensive to get going on it. 3000 munny for a beginner pack, see you later.
Scan yourself shows everything about your RPG Character, your items, Spells, Stats, etc.
RPG Help, two lovely help guides by the RPG mod Selene Starblade, one is about money, and the other is about stats.
Question 24: I’m ready to battle a member, how do I go about it?
A: Firstly, the person needs to be online. They need to be more or less the same level, as you, and they or you aren’t in a battle already. Go to the battle ground, and create a new battle. Use the Member VS Member, and Input the persons VGF name and not the RPG name. click Create Battle. Then Wait…. They may not notice it for a while. They’ll either Accept or Decline. This will go turn based (in the A.I. bots, you attack, then the bot attacks straight away. The other Member needs to come and choose his/her/it attack.) Member Vs Member can take a long while to finish.
Question25: Some challenged me, what do it do?
A: On the Battle Ground Screen select, go to your current battle, then Accept or Decline. The other person will go first.
Okay, any other questions.
Vgf Rpg Faq.
- Nomyt
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- Joined: Mon Nov 17, 2003 2:00 am
- Location: In the TARDIS