6th COTD is Exodia. Meh. He's booring.

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6th COTD is Exodia. Meh. He's booring.


Post by Greatluigi » Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:19 am

Yeah. It's exodia...the best exodia piece. NO. This is not a special COTD and we are not reviewing all 5 pieces. Although i was thinking of reviewing Sanga<KazeJin,And Suijinn...but not now.

Image....Hmm....small image?

Pros: Uh...it's the best exodia piece. Sanga And Witch help it.

Cons: Card Destruction. Robbin Goblin.

Combo: MEB+Last Will+Summoned Skull.


Poe the Ghost
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Post by Poe the Ghost » Mon Sep 02, 2002 9:13 pm

Well, what can you say?

Pros: You got to like a card that says "and you win the game" on it. Played right, this card can be excellent. But it's nigh-impossible to play right.

Cons: 5 pieces means 5 lucky draws, even with BFW and Sangan, since you have to draw them too. You have at best a 5/40 chance of getting one, which does not bode well. Plus, the more you have, the worse your deck gets, because you have 1 less slot for a benificial card and one more for a clunky card that does you no good unless you get lucky. IMO, the Oujia Board of Death is a much better combo then this.

Rating: 1.5/5

