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Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2002 5:17 pm
by Bomby
I think it would be neat to have some sort of Kung-Fu game where you start out as a Swordsman, training to be a Master of Swords. The plot would evolve from that to more, where you'd end up fighting for a cause. Kinda like Zelda, except you'd only be able to fight with your two swords, your hands, and your feet, and you'd level up and learn new moves for your sword. You would be able to jump, also.


[ December 26, 2002, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Burn Hollywood ]

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2003 12:07 am
by Lizalfo
That would be most excellent.

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:42 pm
by Super Citrus Man 128
Very cool!