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Slayers Battleclub Stats Topic

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 2:09 pm
by [sage]
Name: Meyer Lernon
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Class: Soldier
Rank: Newbie

Bio: He enlisted in the army back when he was 18 and has undergone great changes both physically and mentally. However, he has not been able to test his skills in battle often, and as a result joined the battleclub to improve his ability to fight others and become one of the greatest warriors alive.

HP: 100/100
MP: 25/25
Att: 65 (105)
Def: 35 (75)
M. Att: 15
M. Def: 20
Speed: 45 (40)
Critical: 10%
M Evasion: 10%
R Evasion: 20%

Axe Skill (L1) All Axes give you +10 Attack. Levels up in 50XP
Heavy Armor Training (L1) Heavy Armor gives you +5 defense and is treated as medium armor for slow down. Levels up in 50XP)
Parry [Reaction] (L1) Negates 1/5 physical damage lowers target's defense by 10 points for next attack. Levels up in 100XP

GP: 50
R Hand: Hand Axe (50gp) Att + 20. Crit: 5% (Melee/Short)
L Hand: Buckler (50gp) Def +5. 10% evasion against ranged attacks.
Arms: Padded Bracers (50gp) +10 Att.
Armor: Breast Plate (300gp) Def +30. Speed -15 [Heavy Armor]

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:55 pm
by [sage]
Name: Diego Brangwin
Age: 19
Sex: M
Class: Apprentice
Rank: Newbie
XP: 0
GP: 45

Bio: Diego Brangwin was born a cold blooded killer. All of his life he's had a twisted view on life, getting a sick twisted pleasure out of torturing other living things. His mother passed away at a young age, and at the age of 17 he ended his father's life by his own hand...But he always thirsted for more. Unfortunately, he discovered magic, and immediately took a liking to the destructive power. Now that he's an apprentice magician, his greed his driving him to learn the most powerful, even forbidden spells. Chaos is fun, isn't it?

HP: 65
MP: 60
Att: 0
Def: 30
M. Att: 50 (60)
M. Def: 20
Speed: 25
MEvade: 20%
REvade: 20%

Wand Skill (Lvl 1): Wands give you +10 M. Att.
Cloak Training (Lvl 1): Cloaks give +5% evasion
Air Magic (Lvl 2): Control the element of Air/lightning. Create, control and destroy air, add Air/lightning element to your spells. 6MP/2MP (1/1MP)


Main Hand: Training Wand: Spell MP cost -2 (-1MP/minute) [Weapon]
Off-Hand: Buckler +5 Def, 10% Evasion against Ranged attacks.
Armor: Lt. Cloak: Evasion 10% [Cloak]
Arms: Padded Gloves: +10 Def [Arm]
Neck: Sapphire Amulet: +10 M. Att [Neck]
Ring: Air Ring: Magic-users cast Air-magic at +1 star, and at -3MP. [Ring]