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Labyrinth (...again)

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:52 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
Sorry for pretty much leaving this place, too much work this year... and the situation really hasn't improved much to be honest; but I don't want this place to be as dead as it always is when there isn't an RPG running full time. This is practically the same as my other Labyrinth RPG, which never got anywhere because I decided to make it a puzzle/dungeon RPG that relied upon teamwork in a place where there really aren't enough active people to do that sort of thing; so instead this will probably just remain a single player with puzzles and hopefully actual progress can be made in it.

There's really not much plot to this; you awaken in a dungeon and you have to find your way out.

I'll start it up once people join and try to update everyday, or in the least a couple of times per week.

Sign Up
Name - ...
Appearance - ...
Out of 15

Energy - Ability to do... anything really. No energy is basically the same as death. It constantly lowers with each action and can be refilled by rest, food, potions, ect. More energy basically just means you have more to spend. Each point put into this stat is worth 5 points of Energy total and you start out with 50 regardless.

Strength - Physical power; in battle determines damage you inflict physically. Out of battle is used in pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying, ect. items and obstacles.

Reflex: Ability to quickly react. In battle helps determines battle order somewhat and evasion against attacks. Out of battle, helps you to get past some traps and or in the least can help reduce damage from them.

Coordination - Determines balance and accuracy. In battle helps against being knocked down and increases accuracy. Out of battle determines balance, allowing you to stay stay standing/keep moving across difficult terrain.

Spirit - Magical power; in battle determines damage by magic. Out of battle resists magical effects such as illusions.

Mind - Your awareness overall. In battle gives some information on enemies. Out of battle basically the same thing, only about whatever area you're in.

I'll try and explain stuff as it goes on in the RPG, and I'll try and answer and questions asked here too. Don't worry too much on stats; outside of battle if they come up they will usually just let to new areas(or avoid them), but really aren't too important. Also, don't worry if your character is weak or not; death pretty much won't count for much in this...

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 11:26 am
by Blake
I'm game.

Name: Seila Winters
Appearance: Seila is a young built man that weighs about 200 pounds and is 6 feet tall. He has blue eyes, short brown hair, and his skin is white, but not pale white. He's wearing a black short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and black leather boots.
Bio: Seila has committed many crimes in his past ranging from robbery to murder. Whenever he needs something, he obtains it with force without even thinking twice about it. Because of his bad reputation, Seila is constantly on the move running from place to place to avoid being caught. However, it seems that he's finally been captured and will be accounted for all the problems he has inflicted upon the masses.

Energy - 1
Strength - 5
Reflex: 3
Coordination - 3
Spirit - 1
Mind - 2

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:37 pm
by The Willful Wanderer
Samiel Sez:

I'm going to suppose you're open to more people joining in, yes? What limitations are there on beginning characters?

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:06 pm
by KirbyBoy2000
I'm fine with more people joining. What exactly do you mean by limitations?

If like how strong or whatever, thats based on stats... although honestly I'd say they're not very important overall. If things like, what your character can do (magic or whatever), then thats pretty much nothing right from the start. But if you want to do stuff like that I can make it so you find something like that fairly quickly into the game. Lastly, if things like what your character is... as long as it can do most things a human can do and isn't gigantic it should be fine.

If you want to be something like that (non-human with magic or whatever kind of abilities), just say so and I'll try to work something out, though don't expect to have everything right from the start.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 12:11 am
by The Willful Wanderer
Sarai Sez:

First two sentences of that paragraph answered it for me, thankye. ^_^

Alright, let's try this:

Name: Crystal "Amethyst" Marren
Appearance: Standing a very average 5'4", Amethyst has long hair in a dark brown, usually pulled back into a knee-length braid. Fond of indigo, she wears a long trenchcoat in the color over a faux-leather jacket also in indigo, though the jacket and her indigo jeans both have a line of sky-blue diamonds up either side, both on the front and on the back. She usually wears a pair of heavy, buckled boots. Light spectacles are kept in an upper pocket, to be taken out when reading- which she does often. Though not out of shape, she
Brief Bio: Daughter of two hippies, Crystal has always been very unhappy with her first name. At the same time, while she finds her parents very frustrating and irritating, she still loves them, so she refuses to have it legally changed. Still, nobody knows her by her real name, instead calling her by her preferred moniker of 'Amethyst' or 'Ame'. Apparently in reaction to her parents' overly bright and flowery take on life, she tends to be very dry and sarcastic, and is very intellectual. Some of their open-mindedness has clearly leaked over, though, as she knows some of herbology and has certain.... esoteric and arcane interests, shall we say. At least her heart is good, even if she tends not to use her intelligence in terms of planning. Being as she has so few friends, it is unlikely that she will be missed, which may explain why she was brought to the labrynth....

Energy 2
Strength 1
Reflex 1
Coordination 3
Spirit 5
Mind 3

That ought to do for a good start.