Battle Academy
Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:24 am
On a large expansive plain rests a huge academy building designed to train students in magic and fighting and test them on their abilities
Name: Take a guess...
Age: Duh...
Gender: Male, Female.
Race: (optional) can be pretty much anything really. Can effect stats.
Looks: what you look like... duh.
Personallity: How you act normally. is somewhat optional(you'll need to post all of your actions and speech though...)
Bio: (Optional) Your past and present, can help on story mode.
Mastery: A skill,spell, or weapon type that you excel at.Is split into major and minor masteries.
Major: your main mastery, gains the best stat bonuses and possibly skills
Minor: your secondary mastery, gains some stat bonuses and possibly skills
Split 1800 between
HP:Health, when it reaches 0 you lose.
MP:Magic points, is needed to cast magical moves.
Split 1200 between
Attack: The power behind your physical attacks.
Defense: Your ability to resist physical attacks.
M. Att: Power behind magical attacks.
M. Def: Resistance to magic.
Speed: How quick you are. Being faster than your opponent can allow for multiple hits.
Aim: Your accuracy on hits, effects critical hits as well.
Reflexes: Your ability to block and dodge attacks, effects magic dodge very slightly as well.
Luck:How lucky you are, helps slightly on accuracy and evade.
Charisma: How well liked you are. effects charm type moves, leadership, and how much people like you.
Skills: Create 15 skills, can be normal skills, spells, reaction abilities, or passive abilities.
Overdrive Alpha: A powerful spell that requires you to have filled a gauge to 100%. Does not need to follow a mastery, yet is stronger if it does.
Overdrive Beta: A powerful spell that requires you to have filled a gauge to 100%. Does not need to follow a mastery, yet is stronger if it does.
Split 1200 between HP and MP.
Split 800 between Atk, Def, M. Atk, M. Def, Spd, Aim, Ref, Lck, and Chr.
Skills: Make 10 skills. can be almost anything.
Other things are the same.
Name: Miras
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Looks: Miras is short, about 5'6. He has white hair, and wears black clothing. He wears a dark black cloak. He does not wear any armor, only robes or cloaks, and doesn't carry weapons.
Personallity: Miras is a kind person, who absolutely hates those who cause others pain. However, when one he has grown attached to has been hurt he shows absolutely no mercy.
Bio: Miras is a myterious person. With no knowledge of his past, he wanders the world, searching for a place to belong. However, his incredible power often destroys any chance he has of happiness.
Mastery: A skill,spell, or weapon type that you excel at.Is split into major and minor masteries.
Major: Offensive magic- Magic damage +25%, Magic Accuracy +10%.
Minor: Magic Circle- Lets you actually USE the Magic Circle.
Split 1800 between
HP: 300
MP: 1500
Split 1200 between
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
M. Att: 600
M. Def: 0
Speed: 150
Aim: 100
Reflexes: 350
Luck: 0
Charisma: 0
Skills: Create 15 skills, can be normal skills, spells, reaction abilities, or passive abilities.
Spirit Boost: M.Atk x2. Can pay 250MP to gain extra turn. Spell Dmg/Heal/Chance +5%. 300MP.
Lightning Blast: Deals (M. Atk - M. Def)+400. 75% chance to stun for 1 turn. 150MP.
Incinerate: Deals (M. Atk - M. Def) +500. Destroys wood and cloth weapons/armor. 150MP.
Absolute Zero: Deals (M. Atk - M. Def) +300. 10% chance to freeze(Cannot act for 3 turns, Fire attacks deal 2x damage and unfreezes). Attack, reflexes,and speed -10% until warmed up(3 turns or hit by fire). 150MP.
Burst: Deals (1/100 M. Attack)x2 per 1MP.
Fortress: Creates barrier with HP equal to 2x MP. Damage to it is cut 75% 1/4 of max MP.
Heal: Heals 2.5HP per 1MP spent.
Weaken: Weakens the enemy by 1/3 of max hp. 1/4 of max MP.
Mind Blast:Has 10% chance to charm enemy. Deals 1/4 Max MP damage regardless.
Destruction: Deals M. Atk - M. Def +500 to all(+200 to all in MP damage x # of enemies.) 500MP.
Magic Circle: Creates a magic circle with 4 runes.Enemy is trapped in circle. All runes can be destroyed by damage equal to 1/4 of miras's max mp for each of them. 400MP.
-Fire: Self: Fire Dmg +25%, blocks fire dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk fire damage every round. Four runes makes fire spells by opponent hit self.
-Water: Self: Water/Ice Dmg +25%, blocks water/ice dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk water/ice damage every round. Four runes makes water/ice spells by opponent hit self.
-Air: Self: Wind Dmg +25%, blocks wind dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk wind damage every round. Four runes makes wind spells by opponent hit self.
-Earth: Self: Earth Dmg +25%, blocks earth dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk earth damage every round. Four runes makes earth spells by opponent hit self.
-Lightning: Self: Bolt Dmg +25%, blocks bolt dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk bolt damage every round. Four runes makes bolt spells by opponent hit self.
-Light: Self: Light Dmg +25%, blocks light dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk light damage every round. Four runes makes light spells by opponent hit self.
-Dark: Self: Dark Dmg +25%, blocks dark dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk dark damage every round. Four runes makes dark spells by opponent hit self.
-Life: Self: Heals 1/10 HP per turn, and Healing Spells +10% HP healed. Enemy: Drains 1/20 max HP each turn, and negates heal spells.
-Spirit: Self: Heals 1/10 MP per turn, and MP healing/drain Spells +10% MP healed. Enemy: Drains 1/20 max MP each turn, and negates MP healing or draining spells.
-Sword: Self: Atk +20%. Enemy: Attack -25% . Four swords restricts physical attacks.
-Shield: Self: Def +20%. Enemy efense -25% . Four shields restricts physical defensive moves.
-Horse: Self: Spd +20%. Enemy: Spd -25% . Four horses restricts speed type moves.
-Wand: Self: M. Atk +20%. Enemy: M. Attack -25% . Four wands restricts magical attacks.
-Amulet: Self: M. Def +20%. Enemy: M. Defense -25% . Four amulets restricts magical defensive moves.
-4 Leaf Clover: Self: Lck +20%. Enemy: Defense -25% . Four clovers restricts critical hits.
-Boots: Self: Ref +20%. Enemy: Defense -25% . Four boots restricts reactions.
Energy Absorb: When hit with spell heals 10% of MP equal to MP spent on attack.
Focus: M. Atk +20% when hit physically untill next magic attack.
Manashield amage is sent to MP.
Unlimited Power: Miras regains 5% of mp every round.
Overdrive Alpha: Mana Burst: Deals 2x max MP Dmg.
Overdrive Beta: Spirit Overdrive: Heals HP and MP fully, Doubles stats, Energy Absorb raises M. Att by damage dealt, the bonus for focus is trippled. Manashield absorbs 1/2 the damage, but still heals full mp, and unlimited power's regeneration triples. This lasts for the rest of the fight.
Mage Robes: Magic Damage Taken -150, Magic Damage Dealt +50. When critical magic damage is doubled.
Gold Pouch: 20/500 gold.
Item Pouch: 2/6 items.(Lt Tonic x2)
-Prince Toad-
Name: Anaelos Requanen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Looks: Tall, dark hair and blue eyes. Wears a light green vest, a blue tunic, dark yellow breeches and green boots. Wears a silver circlet and a useless but cool looking black amulet. Uses twin longswords.
Personality: Quick of wit, quick to anger, and quick to take offense. Often challenges people to duels to test his skills and salvage any imagined slight to his "honor". Also drinks rather a lot of wine.
Bio: The son of a famous ranger, Anaelos has wanted to follow in his father's footsteps since he could hold two swords. He has been practicing with a dual-sword technique since he was very young, and has mastered everything his father could teach. Now he wants to go out into the world to test himself and further his mastery.
Major Mastery: Two-Weapon Fighting- Removes most disadvantages from using 2 weapons, leaving only a 10% loss to your second weapons accuracy. Attacks with weapons deal +5% damage.
Minor Mastery: Dueling- When fighting a single opponent gains bonuses to skills.
HP: 1800
MP: 0
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
M. Attack: 0
M. Defense: 100
Speed: 200
Aim: 200
Reflexes: 200
Luck: 200
Charisma: 100
Luck Bonus:10%.
Cross Cut-- Deals +50 damage on both attacks. Has 15% less accuracy. Only loses 5% accuracy in a duel.
Whirlwind Strike-- Hits 5 times, able to be split up within upto 5 enemies. Losses 15% accuracy for each attack. Only loses 10% accuracy for each attack in a duel.
Surestrike-- Always hits, deals half damage. Deals normal damage in a duel.
Lion's Bite-- Deals +150 damage on both attacks. Has 40% less accuracy on the first attack and 50% less on the second. Only loses 20% on the first attack and 25% on the second in a duel.
Disarm-- Has 80% chance to disarm opponent. Always disarms in a duel.
Bodyheart Thrust-- One sword deals HP damage, the other deals MP damage.
Hunter's Slash-- Deals normal damage with both swords. If the enemy is killed, half of their HP and MP added together is given to Anaelos as HP.
Agility Rush-- Aim, Ref, and Spd x3 for 3 turns. Costs 20% of HP.
Counter-- 40% chance of counter any attack. 80% for melee attacks. 70% for any in a duel and 100% for melee attacks in a duel.
Forced Reversal-- When attacked with a ranged weapon or spell, Anaelos' reflexes are temporarily tripled for that attack.
Duelist's Wish-- Counter Damage is increased by 50 after he counters. When it reaches his turn the damage is reset.
Elven Secret-- When critical all stats are doubled.
Counter Break-- Opponent cannot counter attacks.
Relentless Pursuer-- Any time Anaelos would get an extra attack because of Speed, he gets one more than normal.
Duelist's Grip-- Anaelos cannot be disarmed.
Overdrive Alpha: Disabling Rush-- Attacks 8 times with both swords for normal damage. All equipment and items on opponent are broken. Opponent is disarmed as well.
Overdrive Beta: Graceful Finale-- Stats x2. All but one enemy is frozen and that enemy cannot use items, spells, or ranged weapons; and cannot retreat. Last move always has Hunter's Slash effect. Attack repeats untill either all enemies or Anaelos are/is defeated.
Long Sword: Deals 220 damage, has 80% accuracy.
Sharpened Sword: Deals 200 damage, has 80% accuracy, ignores 50 armor +10% of armor.
Sudded Leather Armor:Blocks 250 weapon damage.
Gold Pouch: 1000/1000 gold.
Item Pouch: 3/2 items(Remedy Herbs, Iron Ore.) ???? Sword in hands.
[ March 23, 2004, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: KirbyBoy2000 ]
Name: Take a guess...
Age: Duh...
Gender: Male, Female.
Race: (optional) can be pretty much anything really. Can effect stats.
Looks: what you look like... duh.
Personallity: How you act normally. is somewhat optional(you'll need to post all of your actions and speech though...)
Bio: (Optional) Your past and present, can help on story mode.
Mastery: A skill,spell, or weapon type that you excel at.Is split into major and minor masteries.
Major: your main mastery, gains the best stat bonuses and possibly skills
Minor: your secondary mastery, gains some stat bonuses and possibly skills
Split 1800 between
HP:Health, when it reaches 0 you lose.
MP:Magic points, is needed to cast magical moves.
Split 1200 between
Attack: The power behind your physical attacks.
Defense: Your ability to resist physical attacks.
M. Att: Power behind magical attacks.
M. Def: Resistance to magic.
Speed: How quick you are. Being faster than your opponent can allow for multiple hits.
Aim: Your accuracy on hits, effects critical hits as well.
Reflexes: Your ability to block and dodge attacks, effects magic dodge very slightly as well.
Luck:How lucky you are, helps slightly on accuracy and evade.
Charisma: How well liked you are. effects charm type moves, leadership, and how much people like you.
Skills: Create 15 skills, can be normal skills, spells, reaction abilities, or passive abilities.
Overdrive Alpha: A powerful spell that requires you to have filled a gauge to 100%. Does not need to follow a mastery, yet is stronger if it does.
Overdrive Beta: A powerful spell that requires you to have filled a gauge to 100%. Does not need to follow a mastery, yet is stronger if it does.
Split 1200 between HP and MP.
Split 800 between Atk, Def, M. Atk, M. Def, Spd, Aim, Ref, Lck, and Chr.
Skills: Make 10 skills. can be almost anything.
Other things are the same.
Name: Miras
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Looks: Miras is short, about 5'6. He has white hair, and wears black clothing. He wears a dark black cloak. He does not wear any armor, only robes or cloaks, and doesn't carry weapons.
Personallity: Miras is a kind person, who absolutely hates those who cause others pain. However, when one he has grown attached to has been hurt he shows absolutely no mercy.
Bio: Miras is a myterious person. With no knowledge of his past, he wanders the world, searching for a place to belong. However, his incredible power often destroys any chance he has of happiness.
Mastery: A skill,spell, or weapon type that you excel at.Is split into major and minor masteries.
Major: Offensive magic- Magic damage +25%, Magic Accuracy +10%.
Minor: Magic Circle- Lets you actually USE the Magic Circle.
Split 1800 between
HP: 300
MP: 1500
Split 1200 between
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
M. Att: 600
M. Def: 0
Speed: 150
Aim: 100
Reflexes: 350
Luck: 0
Charisma: 0
Skills: Create 15 skills, can be normal skills, spells, reaction abilities, or passive abilities.
Spirit Boost: M.Atk x2. Can pay 250MP to gain extra turn. Spell Dmg/Heal/Chance +5%. 300MP.
Lightning Blast: Deals (M. Atk - M. Def)+400. 75% chance to stun for 1 turn. 150MP.
Incinerate: Deals (M. Atk - M. Def) +500. Destroys wood and cloth weapons/armor. 150MP.
Absolute Zero: Deals (M. Atk - M. Def) +300. 10% chance to freeze(Cannot act for 3 turns, Fire attacks deal 2x damage and unfreezes). Attack, reflexes,and speed -10% until warmed up(3 turns or hit by fire). 150MP.
Burst: Deals (1/100 M. Attack)x2 per 1MP.
Fortress: Creates barrier with HP equal to 2x MP. Damage to it is cut 75% 1/4 of max MP.
Heal: Heals 2.5HP per 1MP spent.
Weaken: Weakens the enemy by 1/3 of max hp. 1/4 of max MP.
Mind Blast:Has 10% chance to charm enemy. Deals 1/4 Max MP damage regardless.
Destruction: Deals M. Atk - M. Def +500 to all(+200 to all in MP damage x # of enemies.) 500MP.
Magic Circle: Creates a magic circle with 4 runes.Enemy is trapped in circle. All runes can be destroyed by damage equal to 1/4 of miras's max mp for each of them. 400MP.
-Fire: Self: Fire Dmg +25%, blocks fire dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk fire damage every round. Four runes makes fire spells by opponent hit self.
-Water: Self: Water/Ice Dmg +25%, blocks water/ice dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk water/ice damage every round. Four runes makes water/ice spells by opponent hit self.
-Air: Self: Wind Dmg +25%, blocks wind dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk wind damage every round. Four runes makes wind spells by opponent hit self.
-Earth: Self: Earth Dmg +25%, blocks earth dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk earth damage every round. Four runes makes earth spells by opponent hit self.
-Lightning: Self: Bolt Dmg +25%, blocks bolt dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk bolt damage every round. Four runes makes bolt spells by opponent hit self.
-Light: Self: Light Dmg +25%, blocks light dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk light damage every round. Four runes makes light spells by opponent hit self.
-Dark: Self: Dark Dmg +25%, blocks dark dmg. Enemy: Deals 1/10 M. Atk dark damage every round. Four runes makes dark spells by opponent hit self.
-Life: Self: Heals 1/10 HP per turn, and Healing Spells +10% HP healed. Enemy: Drains 1/20 max HP each turn, and negates heal spells.
-Spirit: Self: Heals 1/10 MP per turn, and MP healing/drain Spells +10% MP healed. Enemy: Drains 1/20 max MP each turn, and negates MP healing or draining spells.
-Sword: Self: Atk +20%. Enemy: Attack -25% . Four swords restricts physical attacks.
-Shield: Self: Def +20%. Enemy efense -25% . Four shields restricts physical defensive moves.
-Horse: Self: Spd +20%. Enemy: Spd -25% . Four horses restricts speed type moves.
-Wand: Self: M. Atk +20%. Enemy: M. Attack -25% . Four wands restricts magical attacks.
-Amulet: Self: M. Def +20%. Enemy: M. Defense -25% . Four amulets restricts magical defensive moves.
-4 Leaf Clover: Self: Lck +20%. Enemy: Defense -25% . Four clovers restricts critical hits.
-Boots: Self: Ref +20%. Enemy: Defense -25% . Four boots restricts reactions.
Energy Absorb: When hit with spell heals 10% of MP equal to MP spent on attack.
Focus: M. Atk +20% when hit physically untill next magic attack.
Manashield amage is sent to MP.
Unlimited Power: Miras regains 5% of mp every round.
Overdrive Alpha: Mana Burst: Deals 2x max MP Dmg.
Overdrive Beta: Spirit Overdrive: Heals HP and MP fully, Doubles stats, Energy Absorb raises M. Att by damage dealt, the bonus for focus is trippled. Manashield absorbs 1/2 the damage, but still heals full mp, and unlimited power's regeneration triples. This lasts for the rest of the fight.
Mage Robes: Magic Damage Taken -150, Magic Damage Dealt +50. When critical magic damage is doubled.
Gold Pouch: 20/500 gold.
Item Pouch: 2/6 items.(Lt Tonic x2)
-Prince Toad-
Name: Anaelos Requanen
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Looks: Tall, dark hair and blue eyes. Wears a light green vest, a blue tunic, dark yellow breeches and green boots. Wears a silver circlet and a useless but cool looking black amulet. Uses twin longswords.
Personality: Quick of wit, quick to anger, and quick to take offense. Often challenges people to duels to test his skills and salvage any imagined slight to his "honor". Also drinks rather a lot of wine.
Bio: The son of a famous ranger, Anaelos has wanted to follow in his father's footsteps since he could hold two swords. He has been practicing with a dual-sword technique since he was very young, and has mastered everything his father could teach. Now he wants to go out into the world to test himself and further his mastery.
Major Mastery: Two-Weapon Fighting- Removes most disadvantages from using 2 weapons, leaving only a 10% loss to your second weapons accuracy. Attacks with weapons deal +5% damage.
Minor Mastery: Dueling- When fighting a single opponent gains bonuses to skills.
HP: 1800
MP: 0
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
M. Attack: 0
M. Defense: 100
Speed: 200
Aim: 200
Reflexes: 200
Luck: 200
Charisma: 100
Luck Bonus:10%.
Cross Cut-- Deals +50 damage on both attacks. Has 15% less accuracy. Only loses 5% accuracy in a duel.
Whirlwind Strike-- Hits 5 times, able to be split up within upto 5 enemies. Losses 15% accuracy for each attack. Only loses 10% accuracy for each attack in a duel.
Surestrike-- Always hits, deals half damage. Deals normal damage in a duel.
Lion's Bite-- Deals +150 damage on both attacks. Has 40% less accuracy on the first attack and 50% less on the second. Only loses 20% on the first attack and 25% on the second in a duel.
Disarm-- Has 80% chance to disarm opponent. Always disarms in a duel.
Bodyheart Thrust-- One sword deals HP damage, the other deals MP damage.
Hunter's Slash-- Deals normal damage with both swords. If the enemy is killed, half of their HP and MP added together is given to Anaelos as HP.
Agility Rush-- Aim, Ref, and Spd x3 for 3 turns. Costs 20% of HP.
Counter-- 40% chance of counter any attack. 80% for melee attacks. 70% for any in a duel and 100% for melee attacks in a duel.
Forced Reversal-- When attacked with a ranged weapon or spell, Anaelos' reflexes are temporarily tripled for that attack.
Duelist's Wish-- Counter Damage is increased by 50 after he counters. When it reaches his turn the damage is reset.
Elven Secret-- When critical all stats are doubled.
Counter Break-- Opponent cannot counter attacks.
Relentless Pursuer-- Any time Anaelos would get an extra attack because of Speed, he gets one more than normal.
Duelist's Grip-- Anaelos cannot be disarmed.
Overdrive Alpha: Disabling Rush-- Attacks 8 times with both swords for normal damage. All equipment and items on opponent are broken. Opponent is disarmed as well.
Overdrive Beta: Graceful Finale-- Stats x2. All but one enemy is frozen and that enemy cannot use items, spells, or ranged weapons; and cannot retreat. Last move always has Hunter's Slash effect. Attack repeats untill either all enemies or Anaelos are/is defeated.
Long Sword: Deals 220 damage, has 80% accuracy.
Sharpened Sword: Deals 200 damage, has 80% accuracy, ignores 50 armor +10% of armor.
Sudded Leather Armor:Blocks 250 weapon damage.
Gold Pouch: 1000/1000 gold.
Item Pouch: 3/2 items(Remedy Herbs, Iron Ore.) ???? Sword in hands.
[ March 23, 2004, 09:18 PM: Message edited by: KirbyBoy2000 ]