The Next RPG: Enrollment

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The Next RPG: Enrollment


Post by Wahsapa » Fri Aug 22, 2003 10:35 pm

<center> Image</center>

...A land of fantasy...a land of beauty...this land is called Algrita...

...A land of constant war...a land of constant death...this land is called Algrita...

...A land with no king...a land with no law...this land is called Algrita...

...A land with many barons...a land with many forces...this land is called Algrita...

...A land in a myth...a land in a tale...this land is called Algrita...

...A land for you...a land for me...this land is called Algrita...

<center> Image</center>

Welcome to Algrita. Algrita is a country surrounded by mountains and bordered by the sea. It has no form of government, no kings, no laws or anything to keep it in order. Many try to conquer Algrita. These people are from many a place. Some are Barons that currently dwell in Algrita. Some are from Ieirembor, where the Elven folk of those isles come to Algrita in order to make peace. Some are from the rough mountainous lands of Telsheiryn, where warriors of all races come to Algrita in order to take it over. Some from the land of Aroind, where the Paladins come to Algrita in an attempt to purify the land. Some from the forests of Loaurimm, where the nomadic people of the forest come to Algrita to fight for their protection. Some from the wicked depths of Darpannen, where the evil creatures dwelling there simply come to Algrita to destroy everything. All of these people come and go to Algrita, because they are driven by one thing...cause...

Their causes to fight all differ, and now you must choose which cause to fight for...

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The country of Algrita is just a single country in the land of Asmarand. I will provide a MAP that you can view, mainly to get a clearer picture of the land. (It's a bit hard to read, just save it and zoom in and look and such, you won't need it too much, at least not to get to pinpoint areas)

You must choose 1 of the 6 main territories to be located in, and they are as follows (The numbers below indicate show a scale of what that nation or groups power is compared to the others. 0-3 is weak, 4-7 is average, and 8+ high):

Population: The number of people the country has.
Land: The size of the land that your country owns.
Military: The strength of the military in terms of power, size, and the abiility to defend their country.
Resources: The amount of natural resources your country has.
Economy: Your country's money and basically how well they are doing.


Population: 11
Land: 9
Military: 7
Resources: 15
Economy: 3

Info/History: The Barons live in Algrita. Consisting of many different barons, they each have their own territory. They aren't the friendlist of people, and often quarrel and fight with other baron territories. They consist mainly of humans and don't like other races.

Goals: The Barons of Algrita are defending off other invaders, and at the same time, trying to establish a stable government and economy. Each head baron may or may not have their own personal goals, but that is unknown.


Population: 8
Land: 6
Military: 9
Resources: 10
Economy: 9

Info/History: The people of Ieirembor live on the 5 Isles of Ierembor. They are mainly of the royal elven race, and can survive for aeons. They are friendly to others that enter, as long as it is a friendy visit. Their naval and ground power is one of the greatest in the entire land of Asmarand.

Goals: The Ieiremborian people are peaceful, and wish to fight to end all fighting. They want to show the rest of the land how to live in peace and harmony with nature.


Population: 10
Land: 6
Military: 10
Resources: 3
Economy: 5

Info/History: Telsheiryn is a rugged mountainous area filled with creatures just a rough. They deplete their countries resources rather quickly and then turn to their next source. Consisting of mainly Orcs, Goblins, and other ugly bulky monsters, they rely on muscle power. They will seldom welcome other creatures (Dwarves and Gnomes more than others), and if they do, it is because that creature would be a great asset.

Goals: The people of Telsheiryn are far worse than the barons as far as resources, economy, and table manners. They deplete their resources and and quickly, and then target other places. Algrita has an abundance of resources, so they have joined the war to win it over.


Population: 7
Land: 7
Military: 6
Resources: 7
Economy: 8

Info/History: The people of Aroind live above Algrita. They are very noble and peaceful people, and fight for their cause, which is to spread their religion. Their main fighting force are the holy paladins.

Goals: With all of the war and savage baron territories, the Aroindians have set out to purify all of the people in this war, and to help make peace.


Population: 8
Land: 5
Military: 7
Resources: 16
Economy: 8

Info/History: The people of Loaurimm Forest used to live an isolated life with a simple yet effective lifestyle. Recently, all of the fighting and tearing down of their forest has provoked them so much that they have gathered themselves in order to end it all. The people consist of the Forest Elves, Humans, Fairis, and other creatures.

Goals: Since this war over Algrita has stirred up all of the wildlife and disturbed their forests and homes, the people of the forest have rallied together to fight to stop all fighting.


Population: 9
Land: 7
Military: 11
Resources: 2
Economy: 0

Info/History: Much like the Telsheiryn, the Darpannen country is a land filled with evil creatures. They pollute the land and make it unusable for others. They live in a mountainous/volcanic area. The land is dark around them, and they don't respect it at all. Many cuthroats and villainous creatures dwell here, including Sorcerers, Dark Elves, and even Humans.

Goals: The people of Darpannen are far worse than even the people of Telsheiryn. They have virtually no economy or resources, and live to kill.

<center> Image</center>

In order to join, fill out this little sign-up chart.

Name: Your name.
Age: Make it up
Sex: Male or Female.
Race: You can be any race you want. A word of advise, try to stay around the same race as the country you join is consisted of. You could be a human and live with a race that doesn't like humans much, but your story may be a bit tougher. You can be a dragon, a demon, make up a new race, pretty much anything. Be creative. Image
Weapon: Bow, Sword, Lance, etc. Don't say specific things like "Ninja Swords" or "Tohenkishu Reverse Nanjas"
Bio: A short bio, you don't truly need it, but chances are I'll like your character more and update more for you ;)
Country: Pick a card, any card. Oops, wrong...whatever, just choose a country
(Split 1000 between the following 2)
HP: Keeps you alive.
MP: You need this to use magic and skills.
(Split 500 between the following 5)
Attack: Your physical attack.
Defense: Your physical defense.
M. Attack: Your magical attack.
M. Defense: Your magical defense.
Speed: Determines who goes first in a battle, may determine more things later down the road.

Skills: You can have as many as you want. You won't gain them all right away. Just tell me its name and what it does. don't say actual numbers for damage, or duration.

Overdrive: A powerful ultimate technique that you can only do once the gauge is filled up to 100%.

<center> Image</center>

Have fun. Image

[ August 23, 2003, 03:09 PM: Message edited by: Yasashi Yoake ]

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Post by Wahsapa » Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:02 am

All done. I may realise something is wrong and edit, but it looks all good to me.

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Post by Wahsapa » Sat Aug 23, 2003 2:19 am

^ ?


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Post by KirbyBoy2000 » Sat Aug 23, 2003 5:13 pm

This should be fun. ^_^

Age: 20
Sex: ??? or Male.
Race: Fire Elemental.
Weapon: None.
Bio: Lives to burn and destroy everything to the ground. He was originally summoned by a mage.
Country: Loaurimm.
HP: 1000
MP: 0
M. Attack:150.
M. Defense:120.

Fire Aura: Everything he touches is set on fire. When touching a source of fuel for fire heals HP. Takes extra damage from water.

Overdrive: Full Flame: Heals All HP and Shoots Intense Flames in all directions within 20 feet.

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Post by Wahsapa » Tue Aug 26, 2003 9:46 pm

I'm not allowed on the PC except for the weekends. This should end by next week, that's the only reason why I haven't updated. All of your characters looks wonderful though. If I can, I'll post a lobby and get your characters started tonight.

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Post by Wahsapa » Sat Aug 30, 2003 1:53 am

I'll be updating this tomorrow.

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Post by Wahsapa » Wed Sep 03, 2003 9:30 pm

I'm not allowed on the PC except for weekends. This computer just got reformatted yesterday. I am sneaking on right now, but I can't stay on long enough to update this. I was busy the last 2 weekends, this weekend (and friday) should be a slow weekend for me, so I'll try to update.

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Post by Blake » Thu Sep 04, 2003 10:41 pm

well, considering the fact that this form is sorta... umm... DEAD, you won't have to worry bout much ;)


^ People who killed us and the forum

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Post by Wahsapa » Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:54 am

I think I'm gonna launch this sometime this week. Yay! (Correct, it's still alive)

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Post by Wahsapa » Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:34 pm

I haven't. I just haven't had time. I wanted to start it again now that everything is dead and all, but I have a huge school project due in 5 days. I may work on it if I feel like it sometime soon.
