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Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:15 pm
by [sage]
Someone is after you. You're not sure exactly who or why, but you know that, and that you don't want to be caught, and so you fled.

To join

Stats: You get 50 points to split between HP and MP and 30 to split between the other 6 stats.



Skills: You can take up to four of the following skills, and are assumed to have a basic knowledge in them. You can take it again to have an improved version of it, or in the case of Melee, ranged, and thrown you can have a different weapon type. Unarmed you can take either martial arts (disciplined fighting) or brawl (undisciplined street fighting)

Melee: Skill in one melee weapon.
Ranged: Skill in one ranged weapon.
Unarmed: Skill in either martial arts or brawling.
Thrown: Skill in one throwing weapon
Stealth: Stealth allows you to avoid notice.
Athletics: Athletics increases your physical abilities. Jumping, climbing, running etc are all improved greatly.
Dodge: Dodge makes you much more nimble in combat and much harder to hit.
Larceny: Larceny allows you to pickpocket, open locks and gives you some knoeldge of traps and disarming them.
Charisma: Charisma makes fooling people, bartering and your speech more effective.
Ride: Allows you to ride animals without falling off or losing control.
Arcana: Arcana allows you to cast magic and identify magic.
Awareness: Awareness allows you to notice things most wouldn't.

Abilities: You can have up to four abilities. They can be related to any of your four Skills, or a mix of any of the four.

Equipment: You can take up to 5 items out of the following list and may take it multiple times.

Equipment: You can equip one thing in each hand, one body armor, one over armor, two rings, one necklace, 1 pendant, eyewear 1 amulet, 2 earrings, gloves, bracers, footwear, 1 belt, 1 backpack, 2 pouches

-Basic weapon (basic kind of one weapon you are skilled in)
-Clothes (B. Armor/+1Def/1% evade)
-Leather Armor (B. Armr/3Def/5% evade)
-Robes (B. Armr/3M.Def/5% magic evade)
-Studded leather (B. Armr/6Def/-2spD/8% evade)
-Travel Cloak(O. Armor/1Def/1% evade/Stealth)
-Buckler (Shield/1 Def/3% evade)
-Wk Shield Ring (Ring/1CP/Neutralizes one round of attacks, 1 gem slot)
-Wk. Warp Ring (Ring/1CP, Warps up to 100yards away, 1gem slot)
-Rod of Ice (Rod/3CP/freezes 1 target/5rds/1 gem slot)
-Light Wand (Wand/20CP/Lights 50ft/30 min)
-Arcana Staff (Staff/10CP/Deal or block 10dmg per CP/Null one spell: 3CP/Identify One spell or magic item: 2CP)
-Cloth Glove (Gloves/+2Str)
-Glasses (eyewear/+2Dex)
-Cloth Bracer (Bracers/+2Con)
-Emerald Amulet (Amulet/+2 Int)
-Emerald Pendant (Pendant/+2Wis)
-Sandals (footwear+2spd)
-Copper Earring (Earring/-1mp)
-Copper Necklace (necklace/5% magic evade)

Items (besides your equipment, you need room to hold items. You only have 5 item slots, and each of these below counts as 1 item slots.
-Tonic x3 (Heals 20hp)
-Sm. Ether x3 (Heals 20mp)
-Wk. Herb x3 (Heals poison)
-Cheap Lock pick x4 (Higher chance to break locks)
-Cheap Probe x3 (Higher chance to find/disarm traps)
-Grappling Hook (Used to hook rope on something to climb or swing.
-Backpack (Holds 6 items)
-Sm. Pouch (Holds 2 items)
-Rope (100 ft)

Magic Gems: Besides currency there are magic gems which are used to enhance magical items in some form or other. Once added gems cannot be removed, with the exception of charge gems which are placed on it, they are expended then are removed.
Charge Gem (Adds 2CP)
Recharge Gem x2 (Charges to full CP)
Power Gem (Doubles the effect)
Duration Gem (Doubles the duration)
Range Gem (Doubles the range)
Target Gem (Adds another target)

Emerald (Used for purchases or to buy a favor from someone willing)

Gems are a special currency. They can basically pay for any single purchase, within reason. A gem is not gonna pay for a castle or something. They also typically are used for favors. Giving somebody a gem is saying that you want a favor from them. Gems go up in value as such.

Emerald: Base Value
Sapphire: 10 emeralds
Ruby: 10 sapphires
Crystal: 10 rubies
Diamond: 10 crystals

[ December 06, 2004, 10:06 PM: Message edited by: Marth ]

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:42 pm
by Lord Umbra
Name: Jalas
Age: 30
Sex: Male

HP: 40
MP: 10
(I don't have arcana, but I'm assuming you put an mp cost on special abilities)

Str: 6
Dex: 5
Con: 5
Int: 3
Wis: 5
Spd: 6

Melee (if specific weapon needed, sword)

Silent Dash: Jalas moves making very little sound (whether mounted or not)
Blackjack: Jalas attack is aimed at knocking out the opponent, rather than doing bodily harm. Furthermore, this attack is silent.
Valiant Fool: Jalas charges at the enemy doing lots of a damage (whether mounted or not).
First Circle: Jalas attacks all enemies for slightly reduced damage (whether mounted or not)

Basic Weapon
Studded Leather
Travel Cloak
Arcana Staff

[ December 07, 2004, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Lord Umbra ]

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:51 pm
by [sage]
Yea its an item you can pick, but the 5 items includes gems, items and money so you sorta have a few too many items, sorry if that wasn't clear.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 6:04 pm
by Lord Umbra
Ah, I get it now. I edited my post 'n stuff.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:43 pm
by [sage]
You still have 6 items with the recharge gems.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 7:59 pm
by Lord Umbra
Sorry, thought I edited them out.