Plot: Tired of your current life, you decided to set off on an adventure to find something you feel is missing in your life. During your travels you end up in a place known as Sotyris, which appears as a large continent, where dungeons lay scattered across the land, magic exists and where monsters roam the plains.
Name: . . .
Age: . . .
Gender: M/F
Class: See below.
Element: None, Water, Fire, Forest, Earth, Ice, or Metal.
Abilities: Create 3 custom abilities.
Elements: Water > Fire > Forest > Earth > Ice > Metal > Water.
- Just to avoid some confusion... Forest is plants and poison, Ice is cold and wind, and Metal is metal and lightning.
Fighter - Skilled in fighting in melee. Able to wield most weapons with skill, and can even dual wield weapons, or hold a weapon in two hands to increase its strength. Fighters are strong and fast, though they have poor magical abilities.
Sniper - Skilled in fighting at range. Strikes quickly at a range using weapons such as bows. Stat wise, Snipers are similar to Fighters, however they sacrifice power and defense for more speed and accuracy.
Guard - Trained to defend themselves and others, Guards are able to wear heavy armor, and can block attacks with skill. Guards have balanced stats mostly, though they are fairly slow.
Thief - Knows various abilities that help in stealing and avoiding conflict; Thieves fight with light weaponry mainly, and can also use some illusion magic. They are quick, but rather weak overall.
Tamer - Able to tame and take control of some of the wild animals in the world using whips. Tamers have fairly balanced stats, but their attack is somewhat below average.
Cleric - A user of healing and defensive magic. Though a magic user, clerics are more skilled at fighting than their other magical counterparts. Clerics have balanced stats, but have somewhat weak defenses.
Magician - A person skilled in using magic spells. As they lack physical strength, most magicians have to rely on offensive magic, however they study in other types of magic as well.
Shaman - A very spiritually intune magic user. They are resistant of magic, and can use any type of magic; dispite their defenses, they are poor offensively, both physically and magically.
Psychic - Magic users who create illusions to trick their foes while attacking them. Psychics have low health and poor defenses, so they must rely on their skills to avoid damage.
Bard - Bards use their music to raise the spirits and abilities of their allies during battle. Bards have fairly balanced stats, and can hold their own in battle even without a team to assist.
Abilities: Spells and Physical moves that your character can use in and out of battle. Aside from the custom abilities you can learn by leveling up, you can learn moves through scrolls or by teachers of a certain ability
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Stats are done based off of your class and element. You'll be able to go do whatever you want to in this for the most part.
- Member
- Posts: 5559
- Joined: Wed Jul 18, 2001 1:00 am
- Location: Heaven or Hell . . . that all depends . . .
Name: Guile Masterwork
Age: 16?
Gender: M
Class: Thief
Element: None
Weapon Fraud: A master of deception, Guile can actually move his body to make it look like he's using the exact same weapon his opponent is. As a result of his trickery, he can use this ability as a regular attack, causing the damage he would have if he was really using the same weapon as his opponent. (Ex: Guile's opponent is using a 10-foot Longspear. Whereas usually, a theif could not use such a weapon, using Weapon fraud, Guile can trick the enemy into thinking he is already using the same, 10-foot spear, and cause the same damage with it)
Ability Fraud: Not limited to deception with physical objects, Guile can actually mimic the exact motions og special abilities and spells. By using this ability, Guile can trick an enemy into thinking Guile knows the ability and actually cause the same effects and damage as if Guile actually knew it. (Ex: The opponent uses a Fireball spell on Guile, by using Ability Fraud, Guile can make it seem like he can use it too, tricking the enemy into taking the damage from it) This ability can also be used on beneficial abilities, such as Curing spells.
Element Fraud: An ability of a true charlatan, Guile can actually trick his opponent into thinking Guile has a different element then what he actually has, even down to reducing damage from attacks if the element he changed into is strong against the element of the attack. Such a master fraud, though, the reverse is also true, if Guile fakes his element and is attacked by an element that is strong to the one he's faking, he will take the additional damage that he would of taken if he truely was that element. (Ex: Guile uses Element Fraud to make it appear he is of the water element, as his opponent uses a Fireball type attack on him, the attack would actually be reduced due to the fact water is strong against fire.)
Age: 16?
Gender: M
Class: Thief
Element: None
Weapon Fraud: A master of deception, Guile can actually move his body to make it look like he's using the exact same weapon his opponent is. As a result of his trickery, he can use this ability as a regular attack, causing the damage he would have if he was really using the same weapon as his opponent. (Ex: Guile's opponent is using a 10-foot Longspear. Whereas usually, a theif could not use such a weapon, using Weapon fraud, Guile can trick the enemy into thinking he is already using the same, 10-foot spear, and cause the same damage with it)
Ability Fraud: Not limited to deception with physical objects, Guile can actually mimic the exact motions og special abilities and spells. By using this ability, Guile can trick an enemy into thinking Guile knows the ability and actually cause the same effects and damage as if Guile actually knew it. (Ex: The opponent uses a Fireball spell on Guile, by using Ability Fraud, Guile can make it seem like he can use it too, tricking the enemy into taking the damage from it) This ability can also be used on beneficial abilities, such as Curing spells.
Element Fraud: An ability of a true charlatan, Guile can actually trick his opponent into thinking Guile has a different element then what he actually has, even down to reducing damage from attacks if the element he changed into is strong against the element of the attack. Such a master fraud, though, the reverse is also true, if Guile fakes his element and is attacked by an element that is strong to the one he's faking, he will take the additional damage that he would of taken if he truely was that element. (Ex: Guile uses Element Fraud to make it appear he is of the water element, as his opponent uses a Fireball type attack on him, the attack would actually be reduced due to the fact water is strong against fire.)