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Do you own a business suit?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 6:19 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
When was the last time you wore it?

Re: Do you own a business suit?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:26 am
by Booyakasha
I do not.

Re: Do you own a business suit?

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:39 pm
by CaptHayfever
Nope, my industry is more bis-cas. Good thing, too, because I freaking hate neckties.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"

Re: Do you own a business suit?

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:12 pm
by Deku Tree
I've got three, but I don't wear them often. Last time was when I had to testify in a lawsuit against USACE last year. It was related to the flooding caused by the reservoir operations during Hurricane Harvey. My testimony stretched across two days, so I had to wear two different ones.