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Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:32 am
by Heroine of the Dragon
Do you eat Jambalaya?
What do you like about it?
When was the last time you ate it?

Re: Jambalaya

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 3:57 am
I recall I've had the canned stuff but it's been many years. It just tastes like a spicy stew with sausage, I think. It's fine, but nothing I'd go out of my way for.

Re: Jambalaya

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 4:35 am
by Booyakasha
I've eaten it a few times. I don't think anybody would call my experiences authentic, as they were all served at restaurants in Wisconsin, but they tasted good.

I like its convocation of flavours and spices. Last time I had it was probably ten years back----------neighbourhood restaurant that made it closed up shop.

Re: Jambalaya

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2022 4:32 pm
by CaptHayfever
I have a friend from New Orleans who used to make authentic jambalaya every Mardi Gras; it's great. I don't think she's made it since she had a kid, though.

And remember, "I'm-a Luigi, number one!"