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Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 12:41 am
by smacky
Then how are you posting this,gov'na?

Wait...can you...tell the future?(and 98 still rules. You suck)

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 10:55 am
by mindflayer
Okay, I registered this account just to tell you how much of an idiot you are.

First, internet connections are totally indepentant of your OS. So the last statement in your first post made no sense at all, and it made you look like a total dumbass.

Next, internet connections don't just "stop working" unless your ISP shuts down. So you probably just ****ed with your settings or something. That sounds pretty likely, because judging by your posts you have no computer knowledge at all. Maybe you should just ****ing trash your computer because you obviously have no idea how to operate one.

And I'm finished.

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2003 11:07 am
by Fred_In_Bed
Good job, Kamek, we knew you'd pull through

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 3:01 pm
by give me food