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A new name and lemonade can only equal one thing...

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 3:29 am
by Justin Minas
And that is a superb website! It's no longer MMWC anymore, it's But it's just not a name change why I posted this, it's 14 hours straight on my ass coding the site, making images, writing stuff, FTPing, and adding a comic or 2. I didn't want to piss away my hard work for nothing, so that is why I shamelessly make a topic about it. and to actually start getting more visitors there, cuz lately, it's been getting dull and quiet.

The reason for the name change is simple. I didn't want to just do MARIO comics, hell, I wanted to do more than comics. I want movies and flash and games and all that fun stuff. and soon I'll start some that are non Nintendo related and stuff.

And tomorrow, I am gonna add a quiz (Just like Jay has with a which character are you thing) and then every section that is under contruction shall be up. and then this week, I'll finish some major comics. Ya, so I need feedback people.

Ok, so the link you've all been waiting for!

My ass hurts.

and there you have it folks. and now I am off to lala land.... *mysteriously implodes*

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 10:23 am
by LemonyDudeGuy912328
1337, man.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2003 6:46 pm
by smacky
Jeez,i had my volume all the way up and that music scared the hell outta me!!

Anyway,very cool site.Yes Very.Yes Cool.