LVK discusses: Comics

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LVK discusses: Comics


Post by LvK is grounded but may get on some » Fri Dec 06, 2002 10:10 am

I'll do one thing at a time, and see how people respond.


These are the three main types of comic format:

The two preferred are:
Standard webcomic format. This format is usually kind of small, has 3-8 panels. This is my preferred format, because it's usually small and can lead up to lots of different paths in the story if done correctly, and is usually easier to set up.


Panel Listing, AKA Jay Style. This format needs no explanation, can be really long, can be fit onto pages easier, and is better for continuous jokes. I really like this format, just not using it. It can tell a story without disruption, which is good, and allows for anything to happen without having your fans wait too long.

*Now the following one isn't really reccomended:*

Panel clustering, basically the panel listing put together like a standard webcomic style. This format is a large image and could take awhile to load if too big(*CoughZakCough*), could have wasted space if done incorrectly (Zak has, what, 3 inches of wasted space per comic?), and is low quality in some formats if it uses lots of colors. Presents many problems, and tends to stretch frames if posted like a regular image on the forum.

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Post by kamek241 » Fri Dec 06, 2002 10:15 am

*searches for the thumbs-up icon*

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Post by Greatluigi » Fri Dec 06, 2002 10:23 am

Originally posted by Rogue:
*searches for the thumbs-up icon*

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Post by Dark_Mario » Fri Dec 06, 2002 10:33 am

Originally posted by Greatluigi-Cuban Chicken Mafia WOOM:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Rogue:
*searches for the thumbs-up icon*

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Post by Super Shy Guy » Fri Dec 06, 2002 10:38 am

You only need to quote the original post, guys. :rolleyes:

Sounds good to me.
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Post by robobird » Fri Dec 06, 2002 10:44 am

I just like comics if they are funny. Regardless of what the layout is.

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Post by Yoshinator » Fri Dec 06, 2002 6:45 pm

It ain't freaking QPAM!

I don't really like the standard format, because it's too short. People Usually just post 4 panels at a time.

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Post by Introbulus » Fri Dec 06, 2002 7:59 pm

It doesn't really matter how you post a comic, if it's really good. But it can make it look better if it's posted in a proper way.

...In other words, YES! U R ABS01U713 C0RR3C7!!!!

How do you post a comic anyway? Out of curiosity, not intent to make a forum comic. :D
Now why would you look down here, anyway?

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Post by Yoshimaster007 » Fri Dec 06, 2002 8:34 pm

For Super Dumb Bros, I do use the third format. Image But I feel that I CAN use it without frustrating the viewer so much, because my panels are only the size of an NES screen(which is about the tenth of the size of a screen), and I usually only have four panels. It wasn't that way with my earlier ones, which had huge panels and sometimes had up to eight.

Making Fun of the World of Mario One Panel at a Time
Image Super Dumb Bros! Image
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Post by NineNineTen » Sat Dec 07, 2002 3:48 am

It all depends on what you're trying to do.

If you have a Bob and George style comic where each day's entire comic leads up to one big punch line, usually without any other jokes then the Standard Format is better.

If you have a comic where each day's comic contains a number of jokes scattered randomly throughout the comic then the Resop Format is best.

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Post by imported_Jonathan Resop » Sat Dec 07, 2002 3:59 am

Rezop'z comixz suxx!!!111

I mean, heh. Well, the "traditional" comic strip is only a few frames. Over the years, my "style" of comic strip seems to be evolving into more like a comic book. Oh well.-jay

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Post by LvK is grounded but may get on some » Sat Dec 07, 2002 12:49 pm

Jay's format is cool cuz it's like a comic book.

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Post by Lord_Stibbles » Sat Dec 07, 2002 2:21 pm

:rolleyes: what are we talking about I'm too lazy to read the messages?
Awkward situations are my medium

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Post by LvK is grounded but may get on some » Sat Dec 07, 2002 2:30 pm

Then I wouldn't suggest bothering using message boards.
at all.

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Post by imported_Jonathan Resop » Sat Dec 07, 2002 2:39 pm

Hehe. Why did you even bother to post?-jay

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Post by Lagomorph Setzer » Sat Dec 07, 2002 3:32 pm

Originally posted by Stibbles of the Commies:
:rolleyes: what are we talking about I'm too lazy to read the messages?
I was too lazy to read past the "are." Make you messages shorter, dude.

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Post by Yoshinator » Sat Dec 07, 2002 7:15 pm

For instance, it was kind of annoying to be waiting for the NC Tour to be posted 4 frames at a time. It's better to be able to enjoy a comic divided into an episode or a part, like on television. That way it doesn't disrupt the continuity.

Speaking of the NC Tour, you ever gonna finish that LVK?

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Post by Sim Kid » Sun Dec 08, 2002 4:20 am

Is this a "Discuss comics" or "Diss Zak's comix" Topic? Because now I'm gonna STOP THE "Is the efforts of everyone enough?" Thing. It was funny in Weird adventures, because of the "Whatever happened to Jay Resop" Joke, but now I'm gonna STOP THE THING AT THE END SO YOU GUYS WILL STOP DISSING ME! And my comix take an unusually shorter amount of time to upload than my old style. (Which was Jay's style), that had ALOT of empty space, so when I went to the style that someone reccomended me and what Brooser used in his first forum comic, It hardly took anytime to upload at all, so I think I'm gonna stay with that style comic. No I will not shorten it to around 4-10 frames like Bob and George because think of how many episodes there would take so long it would practically be a web comic, which could do provided Geocities will cooperate with me. About them being too big? Yeah. I think putting them in one file makes 'em too big, but making them one panel at a time and uploading those takes FOREVER. Mario Busters part 12 and 13 is living proof that creating the panels and uploading them one at a time takes a long time. (It's okay for Jay and codiekitty to do that because NC and The Super Nintendo Shire have been around for 5 years, which is Longer than Day after Day of the Tentacle lasted. (Maybe that was a bad example, since it died within a few months for a very very very very very strange reason) and besides, they're used to that, along with Steve (I wonder what happened to him in real life) and Lord Reid.)

[ December 08, 2002, 02:37 AM: Message edited by: Zak ]

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Post by Legion » Sun Dec 08, 2002 8:00 am

Don't know if you guys care (probably don't) but I found this caption on Top Web Comics dissing ALL the styles you guys use.
Spit It Out COMICS - Flash drawn comics are for losers. So are sprites. Read a comic that's not afraid to be rough around the edges. Oh wait, you're probably one of those sissies that uses flash or sprites too. Bah, our comics are too manly for you. Sissypants.
Really mature.

the pathetic thing is, that his comics are in 59th place. The EXTRA sad thing? They're so completely unfunny it's laughable.

[ December 08, 2002, 09:59 AM: Message edited by: Legion: Master of the Marshmellows ]
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Post by Super Shy Guy » Sun Dec 08, 2002 11:44 am

His comic probably sucks too, just like 80% of webcomics do.

[ December 08, 2002, 09:44 AM: Message edited by: Carter Stalin ]
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