You problay know this already but.......You've gotta check it out....

JIM rides bLiNd boards
Posts: 397
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2001 2:00 am
Location: New york, love it or move the **** out!

You problay know this already but.......You've gotta check it out....


Post by JIM rides bLiNd boards » Thu Sep 26, 2002 8:18 pm

You all probaly know this but i just figured it out a little while ago....For those of you who bought the game (or rented) When your loading your file and the person from your town says who are you there will be two choices:
1: Your name
2: I'm new....

Click on i'm new play through the game...You'll notice that when you start the cat in the train will say so your going to (the name of your town) so he asks you what your name is, if you say your name from the first time you played AC he'll say "Hey i know someone who has the same name as you" then he'll ask you for a nick name make one up then when you start to play the game, Tom nooks takes you to the four chosable houses. While your walking toward the houses you'll notice the house were lived in in the last file. Right after Tom tells you to go to his shop SAVE IMEDIATLY! Then the next time you play youll be able to play as the new character and your old one to....
For example instead of:
1: your name
2: I'm new it'll be

1: your first file name
2: your second file name
3: I'm new...

It might sound confusing and im sorry about it if you are confused........Just try to read it trough all the way....

JIM rides bLiNd boards
Posts: 397
Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2001 2:00 am
Location: New york, love it or move the **** out!


Post by JIM rides bLiNd boards » Thu Sep 26, 2002 8:31 pm

My topic really sucks!
Crap sorry i just got all excited cause i just got the game
