Sonic Adventure 3 idea (Yet again)

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Post by Fishmael » Mon Feb 17, 2003 11:38 pm

No A rank thing. Just very hard missions!

Whoo, great ideas! :D
I have no sig.0_0

A Genius
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Post by A Genius » Tue Feb 18, 2003 10:18 am

^They may, they may.
As for your idea, I don't think Rouge should have a vulcan cannon, and I REALLY don't think Knuckles shouyld continue with the treasure hunting, but otherwise, it's a good idea. Rouge would make a great stealth character. My favorite Rouge level in SA2:B was the one where you had to avoid those beetle robots (stage name, anyone?).

But I think you made the Chao garden a bit too uch like Pokemon. Different elements is a litle too complicated for the generally simple Chao.

-A Genius (Rouge + Stealth = Good Idea)

A Genius
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Post by A Genius » Tue Feb 18, 2003 1:22 pm

I have a better idea. Throw out all those extras. It's SONIC Adventure. Therefore, Sonic should be the only character (with Tails following him around of course). The other characters should be saved for minigames. Sonic's all about high sppeds, and some classic platforming thrown in. Sega sort of missed the point with the Adventure games.

I also think there should be some new characters. Or the return of some forgotten ones.

-A Genius (Oh, and I do want an area for you to explore in like in the first Sonic Adventure. That was cool.)
