Parasite Eve

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Parasite Eve


Post by Codiekitty » Tue Feb 15, 2005 9:42 pm

I bought this game on Sunday, and I tried it out last night. I admit I did not spend long on Parasite Eve, but let's just say I spent the second half my play just trying to find a save point so I could quit. And the mutating rat scene was not scary, and it was not exciting. It was just gross.

It also doesn't help that I've played this game before. And it was more exciting. It featured a man whose family was slaughtered and a dude who I originally thought was a chick in black who could see emotions instead of some awkwardly figured chick and a woman who flies and burns everything around her.

If you happen to know what game I'm talking about, please allow me to hug you. Because the only people I ever hear talk about Vagrant Story are Crawl and FacilityPro over at FO's forums.

Perhaps something more exciting happens later in the game, but so far Parasite Eve is just a slow and dull Vagrant Story with a main character who was probably designed by hormone crazed men for hormone crazed men. And a gun. And an annoying bar you have to wait to fill up before you can shoot something, making the game even slower.

Although something tells me it was actually Parasite Eve that came first. It's lacking a lot of the features of Vagrant Story such as picking things up, choosing a part you want to attack... and of course action.

I still should keep in mind that this is only from about twenty minutes of playing (twenty minutes in which barely anything happened). But the problem with first impressions is you only get to make one.

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Erdawn Il Deus
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Post by Erdawn Il Deus » Tue Feb 15, 2005 11:20 pm

If it wasn't for Vagrant Story's terrible combat system, I would have absolutely loved it. I want the name of the man who transalted the dialogue with such finness.

And I liked Parasite Eve. Again, wouldhave more if not for the combat system.
<i>\"We know how to sing but we don\'t know how to handle money or women. Do-wap, do do wop.\"</i>
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