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RPGs 101: A college course in console RPGs

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:35 pm
by Crazyswordsman
The Brainy Gamer: The RPG syllabus

I think this is pretty cool.

The Brainy Gamer: RPG Syllabus - the data

This is the list of games that they recommend should be taught in the course. Chrono Trigger is number one, and URFBOWND is tied with FFVII at number 2. Even though FFVI is way down, I think seeing CT and URFBOWND up at the very top more than makes up for it. -CSM

Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:26 am
by Speed
Earthbound FF 7 and Crono Trigger


Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 12:02 pm
by Calamity Panfan
Kinda surprised FFVI got less nominations than IV and XII.

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 6:19 pm
Also GTA IV the hell?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 9:56 pm
by Calamity Panfan
Oh God, I didn't even see that. How is that an RPG?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2008 10:21 pm
No clue, damn hype.

Also sorry for the question War Machine but what exactly is that little video in your sig about?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2008 2:27 am
by Galefore
^Inside joke. I'm the one that found it.

Lists suck.