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Character of the Week: Anise Tatlin
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:07 pm
by Auron
Name: Anise Tatlin
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Occupation: Fon Master Guardian / Puppet Master
Tales of the Abyss
Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with the character or this game, so there's not much I can really say about her.
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 4:46 pm
by Nomyt
TotA hasn't been released on U.K. shores. Which is a shame really, because all other Tales games, that have been released, are very cool.
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:16 pm
by Sim Kid
My favourite character in the game.
Anise is a pretty good example of how a "Child" character should be done, she doesn't act annoying (most of the time) or way older than she really is. The only "Child" characters who were done better were Maru and Bebedora. (Watch as only Codiekitty know who I'm talking about)
It really is sad that Europe never got to see Tales of the Abyss...Unfortunately I doubt they will do a European version, since the U.S. version came out last October, and according to Wikipedia it's been in japan since the very end of '05.
Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:43 pm
by Auron
How does Tales of the Abyss stack up to Tales of Symphonia, because I was looking into it a while ago, but I just kinda forgot about it. I thought Tales of Symphonia was superb.
Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:56 am
by Sim Kid
The main thing Abyss has over Symphonia (Other than the graphics) is its battle system, and a story that doesn't throw a lot of twists at you. In Tales of the Abyss, you can activate "Free Run", which enables you to run anywhere on the field, but you can't attack. It's actually not as awkward as it sounds...It actually makes playing on straight lines like in the other tales games feel awkward afterwards. Tales of Symphonia's battle system got a little annoying how you can only run in straight lines and they advertised that it's in 3D. It's not exactly in 3D, like Star Ocean, but I've had some camera issues with Star Ocean 3. You also get Mystic Artes, which are basically the over-limits, and everyone gets them and not just the first three party members. (Everyone actually has two in the U.S. version, except for Asch who I think has one and Nebilim who uses eight, but about seven of them are also used by other bosses)
What Symphonia has over Abyss is some more customization. In Symphonia, you can actually slightly change the story so that Kratos rejoins and Zelos betrays you for the umpteenth time or that Sheena becomes Lloyd's love interest instead of Colette. In Abyss, that doesn't happen. As tempted as you might be to have Luke try to fall in love with Natalia, you can't, it just assumes he'll choose Tear in the end. Symphonia also has some better plot twists, and the amount you see will probably catch you off guard, whereas pretty much the only person who didn't see Abyss's plot twist was Morgan Manjaw of X-play.
The voice acting in both are rather nice, but there are a few characters who need a little work. Natalia and Ion's english voices really aren't that great, but Tear and Guy's are very well done. Some of the English voice work also helps add to a plot twist, but I won't reveal it.
Also, Luke, the whiny-bratty-emo Hero is voiced by the person who does the English Sasuke Uch-emo...which is actually quite fitting. :P