Yeah, GreatLuigi and I had a conversation on RPGs earlier this morning, and now I'm putting it here, partly because I though it was interesting, but mainly because he told me to.
PrinceLeaf34: Let's discuss...
PrinceLeaf34: RPGs.
Snogz0303: Sure.
PrinceLeaf34: RPGs are literally the center of the gaming world, as most gamers fluxuate around them and the companys who mass-produce them are bound to get money, unless they make something related to Disney or some other unpopular brand.
Snogz0303: Yes.
PrinceLeaf34: Huh
Snogz0303: But I'm not one to focus simply on popularity.
Snogz0303: While it is true that most RPGs focus on the story, I look for completely different things.
PrinceLeaf34: Elaborate.
Snogz0303: Namely, orginality and the battle system.
PrinceLeaf34: As in, you're checking to see if it fits your standards like a glove?
Snogz0303: Not like a glove.
Snogz0303: Just fits.
Snogz0303: More like a shoe.
PrinceLeaf34: The more well-appreciated battle system would most likely be turn-based, but as you can see, most people are getting bored of that and have been turning to bar battle systems.
Snogz0303: Why, of course. That's only to be expected.
PrinceLeaf34: As it was overused too much.
Snogz0303: If you do the same thing for so long, of COURSE people will get tired of it.
PrinceLeaf34: Examples? The FF series.
Snogz0303: YES.
PrinceLeaf34: It's droll and mind-numbing to see such an un-detailed, and lacking battle system over and over again in a game you might have wanted to play, or probably are wanting to play.
Snogz0303: And it's certainly not limited to RPGs, either.
PrinceLeaf34: Of course not.
PrinceLeaf34: It expands around fighting games, sometimes, as I have played a really old one with that kind of 'battle system'.
PrinceLeaf34: And I couldn't even call it a fighting game.
Snogz0303: Tomb Raider also makes a good example.
PrinceLeaf34: How so? I've ignored that series quite a bit.
Snogz0303: It's the same game every time.
PrinceLeaf34: Then another example would be Fire Emblem, but in Japan, the series is still vastly popular and well-liked, as FE6 wasn't really 'good', so they made an FE7(will be released in November of this year), to match it up.
PrinceLeaf34: The game was well appreciated amongst the crowds.
PrinceLeaf34: And it was popular enough to become the ONLY FE game to be released in America, or rather, to be.
Snogz0303: I am not familiar with the Fire Emblem series, unfortunetely.
PrinceLeaf34: It's a strategy type game, using the exact same Advance Wars system.
Snogz0303: I see.
PrinceLeaf34: Except it takes place in what would be considered 'olden days'.
Snogz0303: That was something I guessed.
PrinceLeaf34: With your sterotype: 'mages', 'knights', etc.
PrinceLeaf34: To make up for it, however, they threw in ranks and tons of characters.
PrinceLeaf34: You must decide which ones are good to build, and which ones aren't.
PrinceLeaf34: In FE7, the example of characters to build would be the axe-knights: Hector and Barthol, and the lord Eliwood, along with the other lord, Lindus.
PrinceLeaf34: Only Eliwood can conquer the castle so that you may win the chapter, although in some chapters you are only required to kill a boss.
PrinceLeaf34: I must go.
Snogz0303: Okay.
Snogz0303: S'long.
PrinceLeaf34: You must post this great log in the RPG Forum, for future use.
Snogz0303: Eh. Why not?
PrinceLeaf34: Because we're debating the sexiness of RPGs.
PrinceLeaf34: Go forth.
PrinceLeaf34: Save the day.
-A Genius (I'm Snogz0303, if you didn't already know, for some reason.)
A conversation GL and I had.
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