Which do you prefer, old RPGs or new RPGs?

A Genius
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Which do you prefer, old RPGs or new RPGs?


Post by A Genius » Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:10 pm

Just a quick rundown...

In old RPGs, you walk around for hours at a time, trying to find the next location at which you can get a crucial piece of equipment to beat the game with. Sort of like Metroid in RPG format, with a little more help from NPCs.

New RPGs are a bit more story driven, and less directionless than old ones (although this also means it's more linear), concentrating on engrossing storyline that can (or should) pull you into the game.

I'll give my opinion when I've decided which I prefer.

-A Genius (I've also noticed that old RPGs tend to use the turn based battle system and new ones use the ATB.)

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Post by Omni_Link » Sun Mar 09, 2003 11:41 pm

old school rpgs for me. there stories are hella tight, i'll tell you the resy when i can put an intelegent statement together.......

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Post by Heroine of the Dragon » Thu Mar 13, 2003 3:22 am

My fav RPG is FFVI. But there are truly some astounding games available now with awesome storylines. It's really hard to choose one over the other for that reason. :D
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A Genius
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Post by A Genius » Thu Mar 13, 2003 8:38 pm

I meant 8-bit RPGs when I said old RPGs. If I included 16-bit, then every single person that goes to this forum would pick old.

-A Genius (Except the unfotunate souls who haven't played the old RPGs.)

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Post by imported_c_jks » Thu Mar 13, 2003 11:31 pm

I'd rather newer RPG's, though i'm sure i'd like a old RPG if I played it. I didn't have much of an attention span when I last played old RPG's, so searching for a while bored me and I gave up.
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Ace Mercury
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Post by Ace Mercury » Fri Mar 14, 2003 2:26 am

The newer ones. The only reason I can see for liking older games better is because of the 'tried and true' aspect. Unfortunately, a lot of the older RPGs I've tried are simple hack and slash dungeon explorers with weak stories/graphics/sounds/translations/characters/battle systems/etc.

A Genius
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Post by A Genius » Fri Mar 14, 2003 4:22 pm

I've decided that I like old ones better. For two reasons.

1. I like the exploration.

2. New RPGs are like the NES Megaman games. They're all the same (well, not all of them, but most of them).

-A Genius (The best old RPG is Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System. I've heard that it's the only good game on the system.)
