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Say what you want about FF9...

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:26 pm
by Crazyswordsman
...but dammit, that game had the coolest climax movie and song ever.

Just wanted to post that. No other point to the thread.-CSM

(Oh, and again, FF9 was definitely Uematsu at his best. But that's another topic.)

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 11:39 pm
by Ace Mercury
Just kidding.

FF9 sucks and everyone who likes it sucks.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:54 am
by Mushi
You guys plan these things out, don't you?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:25 am
by Wyborn
Yeah, great movie and song.

The ending theme and cinematic for FF6 are better, of course.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 2:39 am
by Ace Mercury
Doppelgangers. Every last one of you.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:04 am
by Wyborn
You know, most internet memes are annoying?

I think VGF-specific memes actually make people stupider.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 9:31 am
by Perrin Aybara
Oh, lighten up.

Anyway, I still don't see what the big love for FF9 is. It definitely didn't leave a big impression on me at all.-jay

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:30 am
by Valigarmander

But for ****'s sake, don't turn this into another meme.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:00 pm
by Crazyswordsman
^^The main thing about FFIX isn't that it's so great. It is a great game, yes, but it's the fact that people often thought this game was so bad they skipped it. I've seen many FF lists where FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, and FFX-2 topped the list. It's one thing to have skipped the first six games in the series. It's another to jump right from 8 to 10 without even playing 9, which is what some people did. -CSM

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:01 pm
by SephirothKirby
IX is my favorite Final Fantasy.

Dark Messenger is one of my favourite songs.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:02 pm
by Bad Dragonite
i liked ff9 a pretty good bit,or at least what i played of it.

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 6:26 pm
by Sim Kid
I liked IX for many reasons.

One of which was the colourful cast of characters...The characters actually looked unique. They weren't TRYING to be realistic, like they were in Final Fantasy VIII and XII. The game also incorporated more humor into the storyline. Zidane also wasn't an emotional whiny wreck like Tidus or a goody two-shoes like Ramza. It was also a nice change in direction to have the HERO actually be the thief/ninja. Usually, the hero is more of how Steiner is in combat.

Plus...Everyone loves Beatrix. She and Kuja easily had the best themes.

The game did need some improvements. Namely in Freya and Amarant...Freya got all her development early in the game, while Amarant got all his development later on. Freya could have had some more development with Sr. Fratley, but he and puck basically jump into a plothole after Disc 2 and come out in the ending. Amarant basically stands in the background while the story focues on Zidane, Dagger, Vivi, and Eiko. That, and Quina suffered the typical "Blue mage" syndrome. S/he was either worthless and took up unnecessary space in the party or was a valuble asset, if you had the time to build him/her up. It always was rather annoying to get enemies down to the level where s/he can eat them. >:|

Kuja honestly needed a better design...Namely some Hair Dye and fashion advice. Villians don't wear make-up and spaghetti straps, Kuja!

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:56 pm
by Galefore
Since I love that game so much for memory's sake and simply because it is a part of me for being the first game other than OoT that fully overwehelmed me, every small detail that was wrong with it I completely ignore. Unlike with everything else, I am not picky about anything in IX. I just sit back, relax, and love it.

It is, in my opinion, the best in the series.

All who disagree are entitled to their opinion, but it's so damn hard for me to resist arguing with them sometimes.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:34 am
by Valigarmander
I love Final Fantasy 6, as it's tied to some great memories. It was probably the first RPG I'd ever played (as FF3 for the SNES). But Final Fantasy 9 has it's own great memories too, and I love it as well. For instance, the couch I used to sit on while playing FF9 had a distinct smell (not a bad one :p ), and now, whenever I catch a whiff of that, I'm reminded of the good ol' days, when I just sat back and played the game for all it was worth.

I usually say 6 is the best, but honestly, they're both such masterpieces, I can't tell at all.