Character of the week (for real this time) - Dekar!

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Character of the week (for real this time) - Dekar!


Post by Valentine » Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:25 am


Game: Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals
Why he/she's cool: His fighting skills are unmatched, plus he's a knight!
What he/she's doing now: Bragging to people about how great he is.
Random cosplay image: Image(Sorry couldn't find one, if anyone comes across one I'll put it up)

Sorry for the delay, should've made that last one CotM :p

Here you go CSM, I ain't never played Lufia I or II so I admittedly don't know much about this guy.

Feel free to say what you like about this character, if you've drawn a picture of them or written something involving them go ahead and post that too, anything goes!
Heroine of the Dragon fanclub member #7345

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Post by Crazyswordsman » Fri Jun 09, 2006 9:02 pm

Yay for Dekar! He's probably one of the coolest characters of all time. He's not that well known, so not that many people know about him (Lufia II is one of the most underrated RPGs, if not THE most underrated, ever). -CSM
