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Hyrule Battlefield.
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 3:36 pm
by Zora
No no no, I'm not starting it, I'm requesting it.
Some will know.
Around 2000-2001, a large topic battlefield (the mother of all battlefields at 100 pages in length) started off this forum. Not directly, mind you, it was an overflow into Nintendoland Main that really got this forum going. Some major legend back then was mod. Who was it again?
Anyway, that's not the point.
That same person also saved a large chunk of that topic... if not the whole thing. It may have only been up to page 20, when the first of the fighters started to call the topic off. I can't remember.
The expression and literature that was that topic is an inspiration to fighters today (LTS can confirm, if I remember). A battle not to be forgotten by battlefield veterans -- the ones who have fought literally years now. It started off some of the greatest fighters this place has ever seen... Not that that's unusual, after all, it was the first.
If I can ask, does anyone have a link to that chunk of battlefield memorabilia? Or even that chunk itself? I wouldn't know where to start looking, and I need to rehash my dwindling lit skills.
Much appreciated.
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 4:05 pm
by Wyborn
Dosei-kun...? Not a familiar name, though you registered around the same time I did.
Anyway, no, sorry, can't help you. I never even read it myself....
[ July 31, 2003, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Wyborn ]
Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 4:21 pm
by Link The Survivor
Can't help you, sorry. I've tried to find it myself in the past and haven't been able to recover the bit Zora saved. Though, I would think you would've been able to find it by now...
*also used his mod powers*
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 8:54 am
by Zora
*almost cringes with laughter*
Hmmm. Didn't she have a Homestead site once? I'm sure she did...
And I know it was on the Zelda forum, I said it
overflowed to Nintendoland Main. That was where Battlefield II was started, right?
My art style must have really changed over time. And I'm actually baffled that this name is this long registered. That means it might have even been 1999 that it all began! Now THAT's something.
Wyborn.... Hehehe. I remember some of your old fights. Does Joseph the Wanderer still make appearances? What about Halan? Now THAT'S a veteran...
Banshee was one of the original fighters in HBF, wasn't he? I can't remember all the people who were there, now, but the old-day mod, Zora, looked up to him, didn't she? I forget.
I'll start reading a couple of these newer day battles. That'll be something to look at. Maybe I can gain inspiration from there.
*clicks fingers!!*
More on me... You'll find me nowadays hanging where the Moocows are blue, the teams are green, and my friends are utterly mad. And the webmaster's gay. Yes,, where comic meets people, and Team Yellow rules all. Even if it is just a small segment of the site. You love it. You know you do. Maybe that's why my art changed so much. I guess it's really evolved over time... Somewhat.
Now, let's see....
I have another I'd love to show, but... it's a bit... not nice to be shown here. Thinking about it... Yes, there's two. One's gore, the other... Not gore and VERY disturbing. I love creative outlets. ^_^
Anyway, just checked out zorastemple, and the page isn't found... So it probably no longer exists... damn.....
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 12:54 pm
by Link The Survivor
Halan's still around, as for JTW, I haven't seen him in ages. Iron Warrior seems to have dropped off the face of VGF as well...
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 2:04 pm
by Zora
Rep... Rep... Ahh, Rep! I remember him!
Erdawn's battles are pretty damn impressive! I checked one out on a just-in-case, and I was very stunned. He's a good descriptive fighter. Warriors like that put time into their work and get what they deserve out of it: Respect.
*laughs* I guess that's how some people get away with being Godmodders.
... Much smaller. She's called Chibionna. Named after a person she didn't know, for a reason she can't explain, by parents she can't comprehend. Natural adept of Earth. I'd download the other pictures but Angelfire's now having trouble... *sigh*
Ooh, this one might work, though....
*sigh* or not. Almost wrecked the computer doing that. Best not to do that with someone else's computers.... Not polite.
I noticed Joker's still around. He's pretty good a fighter if I remember. /understatement. There was another link as well... LTS and... Aw, who was it?! Another Link... started arrogant... I can't remember... DAMMIT!
How long's it been since the last appearance of Zora, then?
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 3:24 pm
by Phenom
She's not been around for a very long time. I came here in her last days.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 8:49 pm
by Link The Survivor
You're thinking of Swordmaster Link. Heh, the Twin could say...referring to the whole bit of training he and I got from Zora.
Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2003 8:55 pm
by Phenom
Oh, and if you want to see a good "new school" battle, go to the Archives and check my NLBFC fight with Shinigami, its worth a read.
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 1:11 am
by Shinigami
Originally posted by Phenom Vendetta:
Oh, and if you want to see a good "new school" battle, go to the Archives and check my NLBFC fight with Shinigami, its worth a read.
Heh...I'd like to fight you again, Phenom. I've gotten better since that day, especially since I've been working on my faults. =]
Anyway, if anyone wants to fight me, ya can make a request here, or something. I'm itching for a casual battle. Anyone interested? By casual, I mean casual. I don't want too much of an uptight battle. I don't mean to have a 'winner' in this fight-it's just for fun.
So, any takers?
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 7:42 am
by Zora
*points at Joker* YES. I remember three girls. Volv, Halan, and... PoD. Monty, Banshee... Metal Mario made a start there too.
Wow, it's amazing what you remember when you put your mind to it....
*wonders if anyone looked at her profile recently*
*leans back*
Hyrule Battlefield... Well, if we can't find it, we'll just have to emulate its greatness on the writings on this board.
Brother. Fryguy, right? I'll see if he can help find it. If Zora loaded it somewhere, it's probably on a computer someplace. But don't get your hopes up. If I DO find it I'll upload it to someplace so that people can read it in all its splendour.
In the meantime, I should do some work on Chibionna.
Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 2:32 pm
by Zora
*bursts into laughter*
Ahh, this is funny.
Glad you like my drawings, Geno.
Ah, a lot happened in that topic. Descruction of the planet DBZ style (though I didn't know it at the time) and... everyone avoided it! So that was weird. The first of the battles were somewhat planned and kept the battlefield in one piece, and for a while it still resembled Hyrule. Of course as the next hundred pages approached, I think it became a giant volcano, if I remember correctly. Lots of lava, lots of rocky terrain, little grass... A very destroyed Hyrule. ^_^ It was such a good topic... As much as I'd like to say "I wish it wasn't locked", the fact it was as long as it was really did slow down not only this forum but others. It was quite a lag in the end.
Still... I wish it was still around.
I haven't actually done a search for the missing files yet, I went down to Reading to get stuff I wanted. Great fun. Now I'm back in the Midlands I can see what can be done... Still no promises I can find it, though!
*leans back*
How much people chane over time... Still some things stay the same, right guys? After all, there are things about you that I remember with crystal clarity... And I'm sure you'll agree (however long it takes for memory to serve *laughs*) that I'm still like me. Same old habits.
Being on Team Yellow and dying for instance. Seems to be a common trait with me. *laughs more* 12 Worlds believing my character (Lalala) to be a God. Now THAT is the result of a Godmod complex. *sigh* Times... I remember them well.
*laughs again*
When memory serves. *laughs* When I stop with the baltantly obvious is more like it. *cackles madly* Ahh... I give it two weeks.