Subway Brawl...

Posts: 3038
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2001 1:00 am
Location: Los Angelas, california


Post by Omni_Link » Wed May 21, 2003 10:04 pm

*neo rsm turned to the direction of heavy foot steps apraoching. from where neo rsm standed he saw 1st 1 big metal boot touch a step, crouching the ce,ent a little and then another on an alternate step doing the same. then bass came into view with a white battle worn cape around him. bass stared down at neo rsm with cold eyes. the machine was scanning neo rsm for power and power potential to see how much effort is needed to fight neo. the data streamed through him and then he cracked a cold cold smile. the smile vanished as fast as it came and bass jumped down the rest of the way to the subway platform, a few feet from neo rsm. bass's leap crushed the cement around his feet good. he gathered himself and stood up tall in front of neo rsm. he quickly pulled out his left arm from under neath his cape, it was in blaster mode. he quickly pointed it at neo rsm and fired a rapid fire at him with plasma ballas the size of basketballs. neo rsm dodged around to the left narrowly getting hit by a shot. neo rsm doged behind a solid looking pillar and looked around the side to see that bass was no where in sight. neo rsm not panking turned in front of him on time to see bass comming at him from 10 feet away and closing fast. neo rsm dodged just in time as bass delivered a heavy and powerfull kick towards him. instead bass shattered the pillar and causing a small quake in the under ground neo rsm got an idea quickly and got behind another pillar. he took a speedy look at his watch(if you have one) and saw that the train would be here in 30 seconds. he calculated how many pillars there were on this platform, all of this by the time bass delivered another kick from behind to the pillar neo rsm was behind. neo ducked and head for the next pillar as bass landed from his attack at the pillar*

/what is he thinking....?

*bass turned towards the pillar neo rsm hid behind and took aim. he laoded his blaster cannon with wood man's leaf attack and fired at the pillar. the razor sharp leafts sliced through the pillar and nearly neo rsm's head. there were only 2 pillars left but there seemed to be a small earthquake sstarting where they were. the civilians cried out in panic and started fleeing*


*bass searched as the civilians had left and the quake started to become more powerfull. neo rsm came from behind the pillar 10 feet behind bass and delivered a powerfull kick towards his back and sent bass flying to a pillar 20 feet away. as bass came within the pillar a train stopped in the station and neo rsm entered it. bass slamed into the pillar and was burried underneath the rubble. at the same time neo rsm took control of the train and started to put it in full speed. bass quickly knocked the rubble away from over him and fire wildly at the train following it with his buster cannon. he kept firing until the train passed the last pillar bass blew away the last pillar. this made bass move fast, he only had 10 seconds at most before the whole entire street above him falls and weakens him by inflicting damge apon him. he moved quickly towards the tunnel the train had entered and moved even more faster as the tunnel from the platform he was just on started to crumble away and collaspe. bass turned back around and just focused on his target. bass had to admit his opponent was crafty.


*while neo rsm stopped the train at another station and stepped out and watched the tunnel he just rode in. he wondered if bass was still alive. well not really alive since he was a machine. neo rsm smirked at his genious, but it quickly vanished as bass came fast with a vengence. bass lept and delivered a false punch towards neo rsm. neo bought it and was hit hard with rapid fire from the buster cannon. neo rsm's body was ingulfed in plasma energy and slamming onto the ground. bass stopped his attack and turned his arm back to his regular arm. he stalked towards the the smoke where neo rsm layed*

ooc: sorry for the hasty post...

Posts: 3038
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2001 1:00 am
Location: Los Angelas, california


Post by Omni_Link » Thu May 22, 2003 8:26 pm

*they both continued to give each other cold stares weapons pointed at each other. then they both quickly moved them left and fired taking out agent from behind one another. then neo rsm finishing the agent behind bass 1st pointed it back at bass just as he finished with the agent behind rsm. neo pointed at bass's chest and fired the machine gun, the gun shots knocking bass back and off balance.(MATRIX TIME!!!) time seemed to slow down as neo rsm jumped to the pillar next to them and delivered a powerfull kick at bass sending him up in slow motion. NEO RSM JUMPED UP and above bass to deliver a punch to send bass to the ground. ALL THIS HAPPENED in a second as time resumed and bass hit the ground hard and cracked it up hard. BASS QUICKLY LOOKED UP AND POINTED HIS WEAPON ARM AT NEO RSM AND FIRED A RAPID FIRE AT HIM!!*

ooc: your choice of what happens...

Posts: 3038
Joined: Fri Jul 27, 2001 1:00 am
Location: Los Angelas, california


Post by Omni_Link » Tue May 27, 2003 7:58 pm

ooc: sorry man, i'll reply some time this week. my apologies again....
