Blast from the past

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Post by Wyborn » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:28 am

Sarai and Samiel wrote:In other news, I have just discovered that not only is Shmeckie still out there, he still hates me for reasons he has never adequately explained. He also, apparently, hates the fanfiction I wrote five years ago, never got around to finishing OR revising, and have long since abandoned- enough to want it stomped on.

I swear, I never understood that guy in the least.
How did you find that out?
Help me out with the best fanfiction ever, Ganondorf Beats Up EVERYONE! You decide who gets beaten!

For the battle-minded and mathematically inclined, there's the Hyrulian War, a revived time-honored tradition!

The Willful Wanderer
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Post by The Willful Wanderer » Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:30 am

Sarai Sez:

Did a search for 'Selene Starblade' just for the hell of it, and a post he made in a BBS attached to a site for MST3K-ing bad fanfiction came up.

In other amusing notes, my password for my account is long-lost and thus I have no way of accessing/altering any of the stuff anyhow. A shame because most of the stuff I put up there at the end got hacked all to hell by their file translator, which apparently can't handle [], {}, or Ellipses. Yeah.
\"What if nothing means anything? What if nothing really matters?.....
...Or suppose <b><i>EVERYTHING</b></i> matters. Which would be worse?\"

\"Joke \'em if they can\'t take a f$%k.\"
