Kargarth's words were exactly as follows. which you quoted yourself.
"stop using script form."
It's a suggestion, not an order that should be used. If you read more then just those words to "It's lazy, it's poor form and it's no good to read."and THOUGHT about it, maybe you'd realize something. Novels, fairy tales, stories, etc are not written in script. Scripts are written in Script. One just draws you in better then the other.
Mind you, if you want to go for a script format, I will defend your right to do so.
"Inferno, please read carefully."
Always good advice.
"Your use of what is essentially a Frankenstein's monster of fancharacters severely detracts from your piece."
An opinion. You know, the kind of stuff you need to expect when you volunteer to BE JUDGED!
" Furthermore, it negatively affects you, as you rely on the reader knowing about Dragon Ball, and you truncate descriptions whilst just waving in the direction of DBZ as if that's some sort of replacement."
It DOES negatively affect you, as you DO rely on the reader knowing about dragon ball, you DO truncate description while just waving in the direction of DBZ.
Lemme just quote as example of that...
ZOMG I TOTALY STANDZ LEIKE TEH GOKUZ!ONE!!!111!Inferno took a stance in the sky very familiar to those who have faced the saiyan Goku. a ball of Dragonfire and a ball of Ki appeared in his hands, resisting each other until forced together to create a fused ball of dragonfire ki.
That right there is what went threw my mind when I read that. Then, "Who the bloody flame is Goku? Oh, right...that guy."
Seriously Inferno. Quite being such an emo little bugger thinking everything negative in anyway is targeted straight towards you as in insult.
Are we going to have to add in a legal clause o the tournament that states
"By joining this tournament you will be judged. BEWARE, judging involves opinions and criticisms on your character, and writting style."