Taking Action (Power Imabalance Fights)

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Taking Action (Power Imabalance Fights)


Post by HolocaustHybrid » Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:48 pm

I would like to have a few fights between a character of relatively limited power and a character of extremely high power. I want my opponent in these situations to respect the limitations of both of our characters, but your CHARACTER should have every impetus to win that he/she would bring against a character one assumed was of equal power. My aim in these fights will simply be to illustrate that a battle involving a power gap can be the following:


If this sounds interesting or fun to you, I'd like a few volunteers, just be forewarned that I can be pretty tricky in David & Goliath scenarios. If you intend to get some fun, atypical Gunjin action, this is your chance. If you're looking to chalk up an easy, god-moderific win, look elsewhere.

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Post by Videospirit » Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:18 pm

I'm willing to give it a go.

You've got my super mage Videospirit, who could bring an entire new universe into existance if he wanted, Anaje, a being whose psionic strength is so high he can leave his physical body behind and become a being of pure will, and Gunther, a being whose raw physical strength is so high he can throw objects into orbit and rip open the hull of a spaceship.

If you find Videospirit's spirit form to be too much of an issue(He's effectively a nanite collective of incorporeal nanites in this state), but want a being of near his level of power, I could introduce the character Starcane to the Gunjin. He's a better swordman than video, and has access to a special type of spirit magic video can't use, but his magical reserves are much smaller and he's slightly worse off in spell knowledge and power as well. He also doesn't carry nearly as many high tech or magical items.

Oh, and if you'd like me to play the underdog that's cool too. I don't have too many characters who'd be completely hopeless against Videospirit, but I have a few. Slifer is still quite powerful but a complete underdog against that level of power, I have many inexperienced characters who haven't been in any in roleplay fights before too.

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Post by HolocaustHybrid » Wed Nov 07, 2007 10:09 pm

I'll take whichever one of your uber characters you'd like to throw at me. I'd also like to tackle two other writers at a minimum for this experiment.
