You Wanna Battle, VG_Addict?

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You Wanna Battle, VG_Addict?


Post by Greenmarioman » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:10 pm

Yeah, I'm Victoria, you're Takeshi. We'll fight here, because it is awesome.
The kitchen. Again, just as the name implies, a kitchen. Stove, fridge, appliances, kitchen sink, salt and pepper, pantry full of food. Etc. The most uncommon thing being a particularly vicious mouse hunting cat. Why would this normal room make a battlefield? Well thats easy. Your as tall as a toothpick. Whether shrunk, or in the kitchen of a much larger race, the average man is a few scant inches tall. Has been used mostly as a theme for a few large scale free for alls.
You post first.

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Post by VG_Addict » Tue Jun 30, 2009 1:27 pm

Takeshi Kishimoto trudged through the vast porcelain terrain known to most of the English-speaking world as a kitchen. He knew that something was very wrong with the current setting, as the normally average-sized appliances now seemed like the mountain, and the smallest toothpick seemed like the tallest sequoia. Then it hit him. He had somehow been shrunk to the size of the average mouse.

Suddenly, he saw a rather attractive young woman, most likely in her 20's or so, and a grin came to the young man's face. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. the teen thought to himself as he ran across the stove to the young woman. "Hey there, what's your name?" Takeshi asked the woman with a smirk.
